Ive known this person for like a month and we’ve hung out quite a bit, i was wondering if it’s weird to tell them about a panic attack i had recently. Does it make me look like a charity case?

  1. You don’t have to dump your whole medical history on them but it’s part of who you are right now. Tell as much as you’re comfortable with.

  2. If it is a natural part of conversation, like explaining a spotty record for showing up on time or if they say something gives them anxiety, I would mention it.

    We’re lucky to be alive in a time when mental health is a normal thing to talk about.

  3. It’s fine, panic attacks can be interesting to discuss. If you’re not making every conversation about your anxiety, then I don’t think there is an issue.

  4. If there is a point and your mental health isn’t the only thing you have to talk about, sure.

  5. I have discovered that even one iota of discussion about mental health averts many people from the friendship. Just mentioning the fact that one has depression is too heavy for some people and they immediately distance themselves.

  6. I personally wouldn’t only a month in, it’s still a very new friendship.

    Mental health stuff can be HEAVY, and if this person has never made an indication they deal with mental health struggs too, or are sympathetic to them, then no. I wouldn’t trust someone that early on, but that’s me.

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