I’ve always had jobs that’s mostly if not all men and some guys instantly jump on saying how sexy or ugly some girl is. It’s not that I don’t agree I just find it rude. Lot of times it’s guys that are married or would never even score that woman anyways.

  1. I worked at a car dealership where as a single guy I found that shit disgusting, married men with honesty very beautiful wives that would hump any thing and say vile shit about the girls that would reject them at work.

  2. I feel like there are acceptable levels of this and very very unacceptable levels of it. If it creates a hostile work environment however, don’t hesitate to tell you HR or whoever is in charge of those types of claims and disputes.

  3. Never overheard that, but I think it’d be gross if I did. Usually the thing I see, which I also get annoyed by, is you’ll be talking with someone and just watch them zone out and stare at someone’s butt behind you. There is porn on the internet for free. If you’re that thirsty, jerk off more often.

  4. It’s fine aslong as they stop once they say ooo she got a nice ass or whatever after that if they keep going it weird then

  5. How dare they be attracted to women, and to have the audacity to share their feelings too! Disgusting.

  6. Might just be me but I’ve never understood it. If you like her, approach her. If you know she’s taken, then stop thinking about it. Talking about her to other guys is, by definition, talking about her behind her back.

  7. It doesn’t bother me at all, that’s just what a lot of guys do. I’m not that type of dude that’s going to report them to hr or rat them out to the lady. We all judge people, so it is what it is. I wouldn’t really consider it annoying or rude. Just part of life.

  8. I was minding my own damn business, dude says..psst…I look up to see a pic of the chick 10 feet away spread eagle on his phone. She sent it to all the hot guys like advertising.

  9. Hilarious that this post got down voted to 0 just shows how many thirsty married hornballs love talking about women they won’t get

  10. YES I hate this. I am no prude, I will happily talk about why I’d rather bang Gal Gadot than Scarlett Johansson but the ladies we work with should be offlimits. I work in an office setting for background

  11. As a guy who spent his life working in bars it kinda goes with the territory, but in an office setting? Sounds creepy.

  12. I’m personally not offended or annoyed, but I think it’s immature of them to talk about their coworkers like that. I obviously wouldn’t promote them to leadership positions if they were my employees because it would look bad for the workplace.

  13. Yep, it’s one thing if it’s their partner. But someone they work with and is married, don’t be a creep.

  14. It’s complex. Water fountain talk is bound to happen. Saving the damsel in distress is not my job and the women in my workplace have more than enough balls to defend their own honor. I wouldn’t want or expect the same done for me.

    That said, I do call them out when they are loud and/or vulgar. It is just a precursor to a future headache and a line of team meetings I don’t want to be a part of, so I would intercede in those moments.

    I just want to get home and game in peace

  15. I just think people nowadays are too open about sex… sex is sacred because it’s like, private u kno?

    (Ignore my username)

  16. Yes. Years ago a coworker got breast reduction surgery. Two male coworkers talked about it all the time for a while and could not understand when I just walked away the moment they mentioned her name.

  17. Yes, I find it extremely annoying and rude. Especially when they act like you’re the weirdo for not joining in. I will say this has become a rare occurrence as I’ve aged and I work in more professional environments. I’m mid-30’s now but when I was in my 20’s it was a very common occurrence.

  18. My company views this as sexual harassment. Not only is it against policy, it is widely, inexcusable in the workplace, an act worthy of termination.

  19. Its just guy talk. Girl talk is the same… but about guys. You dont stop having attraction to the opposite sex just cause youre in a relationship. Dont get hung up on just talk.

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