and my problem right now is that I have a longterm boyfriend and we recently got engaged. (PS within those 10 years he never had any symptoms of cold sore).

I need love and life advice I don’t want to be selfish with him I want to say it but at the same time I’m so afraid that he will leave me and will resent me for the rest of his life.

I feel like I have no right anymore to be loved, to get kiss to have sex and to be happy for the rest of my life.

  1. Welcome to the group of 80% of the world with HSV1. There are many more with it, than without it. I read somewhere you can use lemon juice on them.

  2. Currently it’s estimated that 67% possibly 80% of the world population has HSV1. That means in any room you’re in there are multiple people carrying it. While you may feel ashamed about it now you should realize it can literally be passed from at birth or possibly using the same utensil as someone who has it.

  3. Also B12 vitamins can aid in flare ups. Often times cold sores are related to vitamin deficiencies. My husband gets them some times. He gets a prescription from his doctor for them and the doctor recommended B12 vitamins. That being said! You may not have that deficiency and can determine that pretty quickly with a routine doctors visit for some bloodwork. I just avoid kissing him when he has one, which is easy to do for me because he is only home usually 45 – 60 days a year lol.

  4. I used to get them about 4 times a year and always around a sexy holiday or stressful time.

    I got a prescription for 400mg Acyclovir daily and I’ve only had one once in 4 years (after a super stressful couple of days) and even then it was gone in 4 days and never really blistered.

    It’s life changing for me and very cheap in my country (£9 for a years supply)

  5. I’ve been getting cold sores on my lip or on my nose for about 30 years. My aunt gave it to me as she is the kissy-hello type of person (non-sexual). I finally got fed up with the embarrassment (and pain if IN my nostrils) of getting them at in opportune times and spoke with my doctor about 15 years ago . He prescribed a low daily dose of Valtrex and I’ve never had a big flare up since. My wife if 13 years has not contracted it either. So based on my experience, you can have a happy and healthy life with your partner.

  6. Very common to have that. My husband gets cold sores occasionally and I have never had a cold sore. We have been together along time.
    Don’t worry about it.❤

  7. It’s literally not a big deal.

    In fact, it can be a blessing because it can slightly lower your chances of getting hsv2

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