Me and a neighbour recently started dating, she lives in the building next door.

We’ve been on three dates, all of which have been fun, we hooked up on the third date, but got a little too drunk to go all the way.

There was four days between the first and second date and then a week and a half between the second and third because I was travelling.

Now she’s travelling for work this week, but we have plans to meet up when she’s back.

Concerned that if we don’t start seeing each other more, it will kill the spark.

  1. You’re over thinking this. If not seeing her for more than a week “kills the spark”, there was never a “spark” in the first place.

  2. I get that feeling! This is a tough lesson to learn but it’s ok if it doesn’t happen fast. If she doesn’t keep the spark even when you have to go too long between seeing each other, that’s probably a sign it would be a fight to keep it through the whole relationship.

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