Thoughts on Robert Kennedy Jr announcing his candidacy for president?

  1. He’s going to profoundly embarrass himself. Hopefully he and Marianne Williamson will just kinda cancel each other out.

  2. It’s the first time I’m hearing about this but it’s such a terrible idea. Even before JFK the family was rich socialites from the 1900s industry and later bootlegging, and I can’t imagine after the publicity of JFK and that wealth that the family would be in touch with anything the average American could ever relate to.

  3. There are two contenders for the 2024 election, maybe three if you still think anyone’s interested in Meatball Ron

  4. Steve Bannon begged him to run and his first interview was with Tucker Carlson. That’s all that needs to be said.

  5. Unless its one of the hot Kennedys, I’m not interested

    If I can’t objectify my president, what’s the point of letting them continue a political dynasty?

  6. Isn’t that the idiot that wrote some vaccine conspiracy book?

    My thought is I hope America isn’t that stupid and gerrymandered. We already had Trump and that would be like going from one abusive relationship to another.

  7. IDK sounds like a bad idea given president set by previous Kennedy’s in regards to survival when running for political office.

  8. Whomst? Let me go look this dude up…

    > Since 2005, he has promoted the scientifically discredited link between vaccines and autism,[8] and is founder and chairman of Children’s Health Defense, an anti-vaccine propaganda group.

    Oh. I’m not in favor.

  9. Ah great one of the Castro children is #2 in power, and he has written books about how much he hates us… could we see a 1960’s re run???? 🥳

  10. He isn’t going to come anywhere close to winning the nomination against President Biden. The Democrats are not going to support him.

    I see him as just using this huge platform to push whatever grift he has going on.

  11. The Democratic equivalent of DeSantis.

    Both of them are delusional and clearly have no idea how they come off to the voting population at large, nor any sense of how their immediate decisions (Jr with the anti-vaxx stuff, DeSantis with his mouse crusade) are incredibly alienating to the constituents of their own parties…AKA who you absolutely need to have any sort of viable chance to win the primary.

    Massachusetts already had their own version of this, when one of the Kennedys last election tried to throw out Ed Market, who’s been a Senator for many years now. Got very handedly dealt with. If a Kennedy can’t throw their name around in MA of all places to win, it won’t work on the national stage.

  12. He’s not corrupt enough to win the democratic nomination, and too committed on too many liberal policies to switch to the Republican party

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