(33m) I’ve made a lot of bad decisions socially, romantically and personally which made myself into a laughing stock no body. Got addicted to video games, made a lot of wrong moves with women and didn’t plan for anything for my future just went with temporary dopamine fixes and arrogance.

I currently feel hopeless and have lots of negative thoughts lurking due to negative experiences in the past. I can’t help but feel trapped in the house because once I step outside then I feel all the neighbour’s and anyone I know will be judging and laughing at the mistakes ive made or said.

I wanna make a come back and show everyone my potential and what everyone’s been laughing at but my procrastination and anxiety keeps holding me back.

I’m starting to lift weights more and more again and using the feelings of sore muscles as a motivation as I enjoy the feeling. I’ll get to where I wanna be but I’m also impatient.

I wanna know, do you or do you know of anyone with a come back story where they hit rock bottom or was in the gutter and made a come back in life?

1 comment
  1. Yes me. I believe in second chances and I believe a person can overcome their worst enemy’s (themselves) attacks. Stay working out! Put on some headphones and start splurging in all things positive and motivational.

    It will take time and dedication. Eventually the negative thoughts, shame, guilt, fears begin to calm. They get replaced by a new positive belief system. The longer you stick with it, the more distance is between you and that past version.

    We are always a work in progress, but there is no progress without work!

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