My buddies all tell me they sit to pee at home but I just don’t understand that seems like so much extra time??

  1. I sit down if I’ve just got home from work and it’s been a long day. Sit down, pee and let my head blank for a bit.

  2. Yep for a few reasons main ones being boners and not wanting to turn on the light to aim

  3. When sitting there is no splatter. Not typically a thing I would do in a public restroom.

  4. I sit all the time. You save the extra time and more from not having to wipe down the rim. Plus, sometimes you have a turd you didn’t know was lurking, so win-win.

  5. If I’m at home. Easier to avoid making a mess and sometimes I just need to sit.

  6. Only if I have to poop at the same time. I’m gonna be sitting down anyways, might as well.

  7. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.

    When I am doing it, that’s just out of habit.

    Usually I only sit to pee when I’m too tired to bother standing or not so sure that fart’s just a fart.

  8. Yeah, sure. Here’s how I got into the habit. When you have a shit job and you go to a stall for a bathroom break no one bothers you for a while. It gets you off your feet for a little while and brings peace.

    Plus when you have to go in the middle of the night there’s no screwing around with blinding lights and having to be conscious enough to aim.

    No shame in sitting IMO.

  9. depends on my familiarity with the toilet, most public toilets I prefer to stand and touch as little of them as possible, if I’m at mine or a friends house sitting is actually my preferred method, it’s just more physically comfortable than standing and I honestly don’t know why it’s so stigmatized among the male population

  10. The time I waste sitting is time I save cleaning up accidental drips that hit the toilet seat.

    Also I can browse my phone for a second.

  11. I’m on my feet around 15 miles worth a day. I take every opportunity to sit down if I can.

  12. Every time. I do it because that’s me time. It’s relaxing to sit and I don’t care who knows it

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