What is your opinion on pick up artists (PUAs)?

  1. They’re weirdos. Your life is dedicated on trying to find “the perfect science” on how to talk to women. They’re usually really condescending and most of the time terrible partners

  2. Scum. Not content with just being horrible misogynists, they teach others to be just as horrible.

  3. They prey on weak and vulnerable men who are lonely and need community and connection, and teach them that they should be getting it in very unhealthy ways from women and that it’s women’s fault they don’t have the connection they need. It’s those men who are buying the books and driving the ad revenue on the YouTube videos, etc.

    They probably do as much damage to those men as they are doing to the women who end up encountering or dating them. More, maybe, since we’re collateral damage and we’re getting wise to it, but those men are their target audience and their bread and butter.

  4. I met someone who referred to himself as a PUA and mentioned a tactic he used called fractionation in dating. I looked it up and it is literally a form of emotional abuse akin to what narcissists employ to manipulate people. Best to avoid them unless you want to learn some hard lessons about yourself and the world we live in.

  5. I have a suspicion that they intentionally give gullible men bad advice so that’s they have less competition (as if that’s why women don’t want them).

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