I’m crushing on a guy in my friend group, who I’ve known for a few months. I feel like I’ve frequently noticed him exhibiting the body language that everyone says means he’s interested:

* Facing me when we talk, sometimes even when we’re not talking
* Several times, I’ve caught him staring/glancing when we’re not talking and I’m not directly in front of him. Seems like he also often looks at me first when the group laughs
* Laughs at all my jokes, even when it’s not funny
* First time we had a real 1 on 1 conversation with each other, there was some space between us in the beginning that was gradually closed by him
* Remembers most things I say, has started convos by bringing up something I mentioned
* Mirrors me (turns head, crosses arms, touches face etc when I do, even when we’re not talking to each other)

All these make me feel he could be interested, but how reliable is body language? I’m always nervous about imagining things (or if they happened, they were circumstantial somehow), especially since he hasn’t done anything extremely explicit.

EDIT: Thanks for the replies! I removed the more specific details since I get paranoid about someone IRL identifying me.

  1. One or two of those things – not very reliable unless overt. As a combo, dude likes you. I’m at 98% on that.

  2. Definitely sure he likes you, but probably won’t make a move unless you bring it up

  3. All of these signs can show that he is comfortable with you, but doesn’t confirm that he wants to date you by any means. Try establishing a routine of texting each other and maybe set up some one on one time.

  4. In general I say that body language is not super reliable. Most people get coached on body language – its a big part of public school education, think “stand up straight” “look at me when I’m talking to you” kind of stuff – but not coached *well,* and that’s a kind of extreme middle point for people can *kind of* deliberately communicate/conceal with body language. Which is to say that on average, they kind of produce garbled signals.

    Anyway that’s what you asked in your title. From what you said in your post, its *possible* he’s not into you. It seems like he is but yeah you could be wrong. That said, you are into him, and he *seems* into you, and I think that you really just should make a move. There’s a price to pay no matter what. If you ask him out and he goes “what the fuck no” that’s embarrassing, but guess what: not asking *also* costs you. It’s clearly adding stress to your life, and if he *is* into you, stalling means *losing time you could be making out.* You are already sacrificing makeouts, do you really want to sacrifice more?

  5. Sounds like he likes you. Key thing is that he’s looking at you especially when he’s not – he might have been talking to your friend, but if his chest or feet were pointed your way that’s often a good sign.

  6. It’s very difficult to judge. Reading body language only works when you have knowledge of the person, what’s called a base line. You have to observe his behaviour in situations where you know what his purpose is. If he is like this with everyone then it means nothing, if he is like this only with you it very likely means he’s interested. One way to find out, ask him out, just the 2 of you, a date.

  7. Why are you asking us? Why not ask him? Your essentially asking if someone smiling at you means they like you. There’s too many people for either answer to be reliable. Just ask him.

  8. Do not believe any of this! If this was true I would have slept with 50 women in the last 5 months.

    If you really want to cut to the chase, Ask them out for a drink. If they say yes, It’s a good sign. If they says no or maybe just forget it and move on.

    You can also just come out and ask him if he is into you romatically.

    I used to wait around looking at all the signals and it’s a waste of time.

  9. I would say body language is pretty reliable, not always 100 percent but still pretty reliable as most people don’t even notice their own body language.

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