What are your thoughts on the Obama-Medvedev open mic gaffe back in 2012?

  1. I do not have thoughts on this aside from mild discomfort that 2012 was 11 years ago.

  2. When he told Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility on items such as missile defense after the election.”

    It was a mistake then. But in hindsight, it was a colossal mistake. It made Russia believe we were soft, which gave them confidence to invade Crimea.

  3. They happen and what Obama said really wasn’t all that controversial. I think the Obama administration has earned a bit of criticism for it’s dovish approach to Russia that hasn’t aged well and maybe his hot mic comments can be construed as indicative of that but that’s the extent of it.

  4. Also when he called Kanye West a jackass while getting ready for an interview not realizing the mic was on lol.

    My personal favorite controversy in the Obama days was the tan suit.

  5. These foreign questions are so weird and obsolete.

    “In MyCountry, we talk every single day about that one time Obama wore a tan suit. Is it true that every single American obsesses about it too??? Why not? And how come you have to tip at soccer games, when you don’t even like it???”

  6. I never understood why it was considered a “gaffe”. Everyone, including the Russians, understand that election season is the crazy season in the US. Nothing controversial can be accomplished, or even discussed intelligently, by anyone running for office.

  7. After reading all the other comments, I still only vaguely remember this. It was just saying something everyone knew but didn’t want to say. In hindsight, doing anything weapons related with Russia is bad, but that part wasn’t really controversial at the time.

    Side note: I heard someone mention the tan suit on a podcast earlier this year and I honestly think that was the first time I’d ever heard of it.

  8. I mean we are experiencing the fallout from his administration right now so… dangerous foreshadowing.

  9. At the time, it was concerning. But that was three presidents and a decade ago. I’m worried about the shit going on right now.

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