Went to this night club in Sweden because I’m here for work and don’t have anything better to do. Do people really consider this type of thin fun? Everyone was packed together like sardines and nobody could really dance. The music was awful and guys were scrambling around trying to find a girl and girls either were swaying back and forth on their phone scrolling social media or couldn’t dance because it was so tightly packed. But a lot of people say this is the most fun thing you can do on a weekend. I just don’t get it. can someone explain it to me

1 comment
  1. There are many different kinds of clubs with different target audiences. Seems like you went to a very bland club. If you want to really grasp the appeal of clubs, go to a rave, some kind of techno club, or just something that plays specific things. That’s where you’ll find passionate people dancing, that’s where you’ll feel the vibe. The kind of club you described is mostly for getting drunk and taking someone home to have sex after.

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