Ladies with great parents, how has your dating life been as a result of having a positive role model and a standard for how you deserve to be treated?

  1. I have great parents who were really good role models. As a result I’ve never put up with bad relationships and abusive crap. It gave me a benchmark to compare to and it was easier to spot red flags as well as to be confident that better was possible.

  2. My parents are awesome but they are in a long distance relationship due to economic problems in our country for the longest time. It affected how I viewed relationships in my own lens and hence I also found myself pining for people who are thousands of miles away. Now that I understood that it’s not healthy, I…no longer date 🤣

  3. I had really conflicting parents. I thought they were great. It taught me to have high standards but not to have ivory tower syndrome. My sisters and brother are single. I’m divorced. I vet a lot of people before we even date.

  4. Well I dunno if it’s directly related… But I consider all my current and ex partners are/were all really amazing people… and all my relationships to have been healthy and good. In that I really don’t and find it hard to relate to most/any of the issues that get posted here or in relationship/dating specific subreddits.

  5. I have really great parents and they have a very strong marriage. I was basically taught to never settle and search for a best friend above all else. I really didn’t date at all throughout k-12 education and through college as well. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m against it. I just wanted something long term and forever-coded.

    Now, I have the most amazing partner who is kind, super smart, creative, and overall a very gentle man. I just love him so much!

  6. Well, my standards are incredibly high because my parents have an amazing relationship and my dad and grandfathers are/were truly incredible men. So I don’t date much. I could stand to adjust my standards a bit, but I know men like that exist and amazing relationships exist… so it’s hard to want to adjust them at all.

  7. I have great parents! We’re going to stay the night with them and bringing my boyfriends best friend as well. Everyone loves my folks. Me? I’m fucked up but only in a “wild child” way. I’m not crazy, I’m a good person, I’ve just been wild most of my life. I’ve settled down with a good man who is nothing like the wild men I’ve dated. He’s a maniac but in a “played rugby for 20 years” kinda way. Just the kinda wild I need.

  8. My parents had a VERY civil divorce, like they went out to brunch after it was formalized and could spend birthday meals together. I really don’t hate any of my exs. I’m not friends with them but have no hard feelings. I’m also more realistic with relationships.

  9. My parents never said no to me on basis of my gender (or any other to be fair) – not when it comes to material things, but things like school, intelectual pursuits, hobbies. It made me realise I can do exactly the same to any man which makes me independent.

    I would never serve any man as I do not see them above me.

  10. My parents were awesome, and gave me a very strong sense of my own worth. My dad was my hero, and his example led me to my husband, who is also my hero.

  11. My parents are awesome and are still happily married after 35 years. I think what helped me see this, is how my dad treated my mom. My dad would do things that were important to my mom. Like it was important to my mom every year we go to church on Easter and Christmas. My dad was Jewish, but dad always dressed up in a suit and went on those days.

    My dad would bring home delicious food when he was in the town of our favorite restaurant. My dad would make my mom a card. And how my mom treats my dad. My mom acts like my dad is a superhero and he can do any project. She has so much faith in his ability to do house projects.

    Although dad doesn’t want to always do the projects, he does them because he loves her.

    And my dad showed me how men are supposed to be. If we had an event, daddy didn’t miss it. If it was important to me and my sister, my parents supported us, always.

  12. My parents’ marriage was a great role model for me.

    I started dating with absolutely zero tolerance for bullshit like raising their voice at me/talking down to me, zero tolerance for men who think gender roles are still a thing, and I’ve never even felt I “needed” to be in a relationship to be happy in the first place.

    Could I have gotten there on my own? Yes. Did growing up in a loving family with a positive marriage example give me a head start? Yep!

  13. My parents have a beautiful relationship, they’re amazing and gentle with each other and super intentional.
    My pops though, is the greatest man I know. He’s who I’ve always wanted to be when I grow up, and the way he treats his daughters and my mumz is just unreal. I don’t think I ever open doors when I’m around him or carry my own stuff or literally anything. He gets us flowers, he takes my mumz to Paris on his work trips. He listens. He’s calm and rational and feels like a safety blanket to all his kids.
    I know for a fact that it’s impacted my relationships, because all my boyfriends have reminded me of him. Like, my dad can’t be out here treating me like a fucking princess and then I take shit from some rando. He definitely set the standard. Like that man gave me zero trauma. Only health.

  14. Sometimes negative examples also can b used as a guide to b on the lookout for red flags. My parents weren’t the best example and I used that experience as a guide to steer away certain situations

  15. My parents are very down to earth, raised us with certain expectations to do better for our future and society. One thing was always hammered into us. We needed an education and needed to be able to stand on our feet to take care of us. Both my parents were highly educated professionals and expected all 5 daughters to excel. My folks had a very positive impact on all of 5 of us. I met my husband at 21 and married at 23 and been married for 23 years. My parents did object, when I started dating my hubby and it was because he was much younger than me, but came around. My husband is considered and treated like their first born king in my family. I can’t imagine my life without my husband.

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