Ladies, how did you end your first serious relationship?

  1. I outright dumped him because he wasn’t treating me right. We stayed friends online, remaining civil and when we spoke a couple of years later he had told me he was in a bad place at the time which was why he behaved the way he did. Bit of a cop out but I said ok, he’s not someone I would recommend my friends to date but perhaps he will mature.

  2. He did. His dad passed and he had to step up and become a father figure for his siblings. This was senior year of high school and he didn’t want to hold me back from going to college and finding happiness so he ended it.

  3. I left him because he was just terrible. Cheated with my best friend, lied about so many things, was completely distant.

  4. Dated a guy in high school for about 2 years. I broke up because I wanted to know what it’s like to date other people, I felt like I’d lack some vital experience if I stuck with one person for the rest of my life. Looking back, we were good friends that probably just should have stayed friends, the romantic part was ok but we probably weren’t a great match, just a convenient match.

    No regrets. I dated a few people since, married, divorced. Each relationship brings new experience and I think I learned a lot I wouldn’t have if I stayed with him.

  5. We lived together. I got a job he didn’t approve of (regular job not sex job, just not glamorous enough) moved back with my parents because their place was closer and I was single less than a month later.

  6. We met when we were 14 yrs old; as we grew up we grew into 2 separate people. We didn’t align and some things he said he didn’t want, I did. I broke things off because it felt like we were stuck. I thought about him for years after we broke up. I know he’s happy now with his wife and kids and I’m finding my own happy too

  7. I left him after a year & a half full of forced make out, anal sex, emotional abuse & cheating. He cheated on me with my best friend. I’m very proud of how I dealt the whole situation while I was just 19 years old. I’m 26 now & I wish I could slap him right away for treating me that way. Also, ladies, I used ask my best friend how I should gather the courage to leave him while I still loved him so much. She told me to stay with him & mentally prepare myself to move on from him without actually leaving him. It seemed impossible back then but it actually worked. 6 months after she said this to me, I just left him. I was mentally strong enough to walk out from that toxicity. I told myself everyday that I have to move on from him & I actually did.

  8. I was about 22 and lived with him. I moved out, packed my car and drove to my folks 7.5 hours away. We’re still friends but he needed to do some growing.

  9. I had to call the police to get him out of my apartment he’d moved into without really asking me and eventually move countries because he stalked and harassed me.

  10. I tried working things out and talking about it, but he wasn’t having it. One of the issues we had was him lying about the smallest things. When I found out he lied again, I packed his things and sent him a message to pick them up. That was how it ended.

  11. In such a mature, with a “we clearly grew apart” conversation. Of course the months leading to that conversation things got weird, and we did have moments/days of heartbreak here and there because we were trying to make things work, it wasn’t happening, we were getting frustrated about it. But it was still a clean, mature end I would say.

    The ones after that were all a mess. Go figure, when I was a teen I have always thought the first one would be shitty and the ones after that would be mature as we all get older and more experienced. NOT!

  12. After our one year anniversary dinner. I remember having a distinct feeling of “this isn’t my person.” He was a good guy, just not it. So when we went to drop me off at my apartment I broke up with him in the car.

  13. I sat him down and told him I was ending the relationship, and that we weren’t going to talk about why. We both knew our relationship had problems, and I knew that if we tried to talk about it, we’d end up insulting one another. He hated communicating anyway, so he was fine with not having to talk about something for once.

    For me it was honestly a great way to end a shitty relationship.

  14. I called my parents to come and get me after he threw me into a wall and I never went back. I was lucky to have the option to do that.

  15. On the driveway of my now husbands house, after my husband helped move me out of his house (they were friends). We’d grown into different people & I had a crush on my husband n thought that wasn’t fair to my ex. I didn’t obviously say that was the reason (just that I wasn’t in love any more) & I tried keeping my distance from husband, but I was crushing hard & clearly it worked out for us.

  16. I’m not proud of this, but I broke up with her by sending a private message on some obscure social media site we both used. :’) My only defense is that I was 16 years old at the time and had no idea that breaking up over text was wrong. A majority of our relationship had been online because we were both closeted gay people and were too afraid to show affection in public. So we only flirted and talked about our relationship through social media and texting. Therefore breaking up over text just felt like an acceptable thing to do at the time.

    Still, I regret it and wouldn’t do it again. I have since apologized to her and we are actually on good terms nowadays.

  17. I was 20, we were dating for 3 years. I had been unhappy for a while, he was boring, had no drive, no perspectives for future, always hanging on to me and my social affairs instead of having his own.

    I spent quite a few months feeling like this, debating ending the relationship. At some point I guess I just did it. Went to his place, we went out for a walk, didn’t go far. I told him on a park bench that I didn’t love him anymore and we wouldn’t be in a relationship anymore.

    I think we spent some time debating it over the next few days, him constantly looking for explanations or other ways to go on together.

    We did stay friends and had sex after that but I did eventually ended it too. I was really only doing it because I felt bad for him and he pushed it and not because I actually wanted it.

    It was almost 10 years ago, I don’t remember a lot of it. But it really was just me straight up ending it seemingly out of the blue.

  18. I turned 18. We’d dated for almost 2 years and talked about getting married and living together in a few years and he freaked himself out over it. He started getting more distant and wouldn’t really say he loved me anymore. He stopped talking to me for 3 days before texting that he needed to “get his head on straight and ass in gear.” and doing so didn’t involve me.

    We ran into each other about a year later and he said that he was sorry and was an idiot about it. No hard feelings at all, he’s super great still. Life goes on!

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