I have a really bad habit of people pleasing and changing my opinion on the spot if other people disagree with my opinion. I’ll try to be too agreeable and say things like “the time is going by fast” and the other person says “to me the time is going by slow”. For some reason I’ll respond by “I wish it was a little faster”, it’s like I respond that way too frequently and idk why I do.

How do you stop this?

  1. What accounts for your tendency to alter your opinion so readily when confronted with a contrary view? Do you fear that it will provoke a contentious argument? Envision yourself in a scenario where you do not modify your opinion. How do you anticipate their response and the overall outcome of the situation?

  2. First of all, it’s great that you’ve recognized this habit and want to change it. People-pleasing can be a tough habit to break but it’s definitely possible with practice.

    One of the first steps you can take is to become more aware of your tendency to change your opinion to please others. Next time you find yourself doing this, take a moment to pause and reflect on why you are doing it. Are you worried about what the other person will think? Do you feel uncomfortable expressing your true opinion? Once you understand the underlying reasons, it may be easier to address the issue.

    Another way to stop people-pleasing is to practice expressing your opinion even if it’s not the same as the other person’s. You can start by sharing your opinion in a calm and respectful way, while also acknowledging and respecting the other person’s perspective. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to have different opinions and that you don’t have to agree with everyone.

    To add a motivating twist to your goal of stopping people-pleasing, you can use a platform like GoalBet.org. You can commit to expressing your true opinion in situations where you would normally people-please, and then set a wager amount to give you extra motivation to follow through with your commitment. By adding a little bit of friendly competition and accountability to your goal, you may find it easier to stay on track and achieve your objective.


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