HI I don’t know what to do or how to feel now this is my 2 time using reddit (also excuse me for my english it’s not my main language) I’ve been dating a girl for a couple of months knowing she was bi and I didn’t had any kind of feeling about that because well I didn’t care much, but the other day we were in a call talking and she said she liked more girls than men (we have booth 17 and i’m a guy) and it made me feel horrible i’m not sure why, I feel as if she didn’t liked me as much as if I were a girl but I know it’s stupid and all but well I had never dated someone bi or anything like that and i’m not bi myself so… help me please is it normal? it’s ok?

  1. Your jealous. And that is normal. Your insecure and that is normal. She will unlikely commit to a single person so reserve and protect yourself or get out before you get hurt deeply.

  2. Don’t feel bad. You need to let her go and move on. This won’t work.

  3. It’s ok for a woman you’re dating to have an interest in the same sex! I dated a girl for almost two years (im a guy) who felt exactly this way and we had a really healthy and happy relationship. If you want to be exclusive with this girl you should tell her that’s what you want. You’re more than just “any girl” and if she’s relationship material she will see that! Good luck!

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