I (21M) got braces a few months ago, the process is going fine but when the orthodontist (60s) comes in, he always touches me, usually touches my hand and then puts his hands on my shoulder. It happened again for the fourth time today. I haven’t said anything as of yet because he only comes into the room when the nurses are midway through changing wires, often I have trouble speaking then because my mouth is dry.

I don’t know if he’s just trying to be nice or reassuring but I don’t like it. Unless someone is my close family member or my boyfriend, I don’t want physical contact with them, and I’m adult enough to handle whatever treatment I get without needing that kind of reassurance.

Am I wrong to want him to stop doing this and how can I go about asking him to stop touching me whilst avoiding future interactions being awkward?

  1. Just let him know – or if you feel easier – call and speak to the office manager.

  2. “Do not touch me unless it is necessary for dental care.”

    That’s all you need to say.

  3. Maybe also give the nurses a heads up, they definitely wouldn’t want you to move/jerk if you get spooked by an unexpected shoulder touch

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