Every. Single.time I go out I’m awkward and weird. I really hate it because it always feels like I’m being looked at and try to act a certain way so I dont come of as weird, but it makes me act even more weird. I cant make eye contact because it makes me feel awkward. I often look at the ground wherever I go to avoid eye contact. I’m in the gym waiting between sets and start fidgeting like a weirdo. I just always feel in edge and never relaxed and I hate it.

  1. I feel the same way around people. It’s incredibly exhausting. I try to just tell myself that if I’m not paying that much attention to others, they probably aren’t paying that much attention to me. Social anxiety makes you feel like you’re under a spotlight, but how often do you, yourself have a stranger in the spotlight. That being said. I still struggle with it daily

  2. Dr. Seuss said it best: “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Embrace the weird. Fitting in is boring!

  3. No you for sure don’t, do the work now. Look for ways to challenge your negative thinking and put it into practice so often it becomes the new norm. That’s what I’m attempting.

  4. You’re being self conscious, the only way to get out of that is to focus on something else. Whenever I start feeling socially anxious in public I try really hard to focus on anything besides myself.

  5. I don’t think it’s a matter of “stopping”, over time you learn to better place your awkwardness. Or find people more in-tune with your weirdness.

  6. You’ll improve over time. Just observe how you feel and think about improving each day

  7. I used to be like this and couldn’t even eat in school. I don’t know how to advise you except keep working on it. Nobody’s really paying attention to you. Work on your confidence and be comfortable with yourself.

  8. Same. I just started challenging those insecurities. Like when I’m out and about and I start to feel “weird” I remind myself that I’m actually great.
    Try to reprogram your negative self talk. For every negative thought counter it/challenge the shit out of it!

    “I’m a loser/weirdo/boring”


    “I have great qualities, I’m doing my best, I’m good at____
    Im kind, I am worthy, I’m safe…”

  9. Don’t look at the ground, it makes you look sad.

    Look straight ahead, or look left or right but not down

  10. I have the same thing, don’t know where to look, WHAT DO I DO WITH MY LEGS, WHAT DO I DO WITH MY HANDS. HOW TO SIT. Legs crossed, legs open. HOW DO I ACT LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. yea that’s my thought process, how I deal with it is honestly by taking a deep breath and start thinking about something else. Focus on something else and just not lay attention to current situation.

  11. This is behavior describes: social anxiety

    For myself and my opinion, is that the majority of people are too self introspective to even give a damn.

    Unless you are trying to get their attention, or encroaching on their personal space, they probably are unaware that you exist.

  12. If I’m in an environment that’s unfamiliar or uncomfortable I typically find someone who’s doing the same thing I am (waiting for example) and generally do whatever they’re doing.

    It’s worth noting that this method doesn’t help with anxiety. You might see some serious improvements if you discuss this specific problem with a therapist or family doctor.

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