I have been dating my boyfriend for 2/3 months from being friends since last sept. We really like each other but I am facing a problem. I talked about my parents about his family and they want me to break up with him because his brother is autistic. They are not rlly insensitive about it but they are concerned about having children in the future who may most likely have disabilities which my parents are not in favor of clearly. (we r chinese asian..) How am I supposed to share this news with my boyfriend and what am I to do… please help me or any prev situations? thank you

some context: we in uni now

  1. Stay with him.

    Don’t break up due to family concerns.

    Hold your ground.

    Face challenges together.

    Build a strong foundation.

    Prove the naysayers wrong.

    Love conquers all.

  2. The way I’ve always dealt with these situations is.
    My life is my life I choose who I want to be with. I am a fully grown adult and I make my own decisions, no one has to agree with or like my decisions but they’re mine to make and only mine. No one can dictate who you are with. You can explain to anyone that you want to be together you don’t know how long it will last or if it will last long enough to have children. If it does that’s a decision you and him have to make and will deal with when the time comes but as for right now you’re just dating and that’s that. If they can’t accept that then they can’t accept you.

  3. Your parents will die before your partner does if age takes them all, are you willing to throw away the love of your life because your parents are ignorant?

    Just because they are your parents doesn’t mean you have to obey their will, they gave birth to you but now you have your own will.

  4. Autistic girl here. We aren’t special needs. It also isn’t known which parent autism actually comes from, how the genetic link works and so on.

    You can say your parents aren’t really insensitive, but as an autistic person, “special needs” is incredibly offensive. I don’t know if they specifically did said that or you did just for the post, but either way, we aren’t that and it’s an offensive and insensitive term.

    Anyway don’t listen to your parents.

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