Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. I’ve had this problem with fret buzz with my guitar. Basically the strings hit the frets around the 6th, 7th, and 8th frets, and it makes this buzzing sound that is not desirable. Most electric guitars have what’s called a truss rod inside the neck which lets you adjust wether the neck has a concave or a convex shape, or is perfectly straight. Making it bow more inwards usually gets rid of fret buzz around my problem area. So yesterday I finally tried to fix this issue.

    Usually the truss rod is adjusted with a hex key from the headstock end, but in my guitar it’s at the bottom of the neck so you have to remove the neck to adjust it… It’s a fucking pain. And everything I did yesterday seemed to just make the issue bigger, it’s really frustrating. I arrived to the point where I’ll just take it to a luthier and let a pro deal with it, whatever it costs. Maybe I’ll finally get it to play just right.

  2. It’s quiet today for a Saturday.

    So the area where I had my driving test yesterday (yes, I passed, and no, I probably wouldn’t have done if I’d taken the same test in the UK) is home to one of the largest Armenian communities outside Armenia and both my instructor and examiner were Armenian. Now, aside from the Kard*shians, System of a Down and a certain rather murdery thing that happened during the Ottoman Empire, I hardly know a single thing about Armenia or Armenians. I’ve got to say, [Armenian’s a very pretty language](https://youtu.be/igSXFPnZMnM) (slightly NSFW, sorry, that was just one of the first results that came up when I searched for “Armenian language” on YouTube). Sounds kind of vaguely Iranian.

    I’ve got to try some of the restaurants around there. Apparently Armenian cuisine is the bomb.

  3. Did it ever happen to you that you heard/read/saw something and objectively you know that it’s probably not very high quality humor or not even something that you thought you would laugh at, but for some reason it pushed a button or something and you couldn’t stop laughing? My brother sent me a video this morning and I laughed for half an hour. I am still giggling when I think about it. Probably it will go away.

    It is super warm and absolutely beautiful here. I did some garden stuff and sat on the balcony. Too bad tomorrow it will drop like ten degrees and it will be cold and miserable again. No, it doesn’t make me appreciate good weather more. Give me warm weather and I will appreciate it every day.

  4. The sun set, and the north star and the thinnest of moon crescents are the only things visible [in the sky](https://imgur.com/a/Emihv5o). There isn’t a single cloud, other star, bird, airplane, ICBM, or flying saucer visible anywhere. Just a shade of orange in the horizon, black in the opposite one, and shades of blue inbetween.

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