So I met her a little more than a month ago and things were going amazingly well. We were hitting it out of the park and had great chemistry. We went on a couple of dates and decided to start a relationship and things were going great. I really liked her and so did she.

After a few weeks she told me that she lost track of her studies because she was too focused on our relationship. Since we will be sitting the most important exam’s of our lives this june we decided to stop dating until then and focus on that but not lose contact because we had mutual feelings for each other.

We’ve been talking almost everyday since that moment and sometimes we meet at our extracurricular school but I’m afraid she’s going to lose feelings for me and I’m going to lose her. It’s been really hot and cold recently , for example 5 days ago we were talking from the morning till 1am at night ( something which we have done a lot of times since we met) but recently she’s been really dry and she has left me on read 3 days now.

Everyone I’ve spoken to about this matter told that it’s all in my mind and we will be together after the exams (including people she talks about our relationship and others) but I can’t stop thinking about what is happening and if she lost feelings for me. The thing that is keeping faith in me is reminding myself that there’s possible no way she lost feelings in a span of less than a week but I don’t know.

I would really appreciate your take on my situation.

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