Here in LA, ppl bring their dogs many places, even places where they shouldnt.

\-ofc ppl here really like hiking so there will always be dogs on the trail, lots of time off leash.

\-Any coffee shop that has outdoor seating will have a ton of people w their dogs of all sizes.

\-Sometimes I see dogs inside of restaurants.

\-I have even saw one \[small\] dog in the movie theatres one time.

\-there are events that focus around yoga and dogs.

\-most outdoor food events or small business owner markets will have dogs

\-outdoor malls will have them

\-if the dog is small enough, people will have the dog on their lap as they drive

\-bc you cant just let your dog roam free at any beach, there are specific dog friendly beaches


ppl in LA realy love their dogs !


follow up question: since some cultures/countries might be more reserved in talking to strangers, do you guys not strike up conversation w other dog owners when you run into them at dog parks/etc ?

  1. Well here it’s a complete opposite from my experience. I can’t remember anyone having a dog indoors at all, moreover at a public event. A dog is presumed to be dirty, infectious and aggressive unless specified otherwise, and even then there’ll be suspicions. We don’t usually strike up conversations with strangers at all, although I’ve seen some people synchronizing their dog walkings to talk together, like taking the same paths and at the same time. Overall I think we’re more of a cat people

  2. norwegians are supposedly scared of strangers. but we will chat if hiking or dog walking.

    there is a really funny bit in a norwegian movie. and two east-european gangsters are waiting in a car in oslo. and there is a montage of norwegians walking their dog and picking up the dog shit. and the easterners are kinda discussing it. being all confused as to what is the hobby and if the norwegians enjoy it or not.


    but we are kinda rural here. so even though dogs are loved and people take them places. people like my grandmother still see dogs as dirty farm animals. and she has to make effort to accept my dog is in our couch and such XD but she tries, and i wear her weird knitted socks so she is happy all over XD

    you cant bring dogs inside alot of places. in recent times a chain of pet accessory shops have opened in malls around the country. it looks they have made efforts to have a special entrance directly into these stores. so that people can bring their dogs in there. without going through the whole mall.

  3. I’ll just answer to each situation if it is common or not:

    >-ofc ppl here really like hiking so there will always be dogs on the trail, lots of time off leash.


    >-Any coffee shop that has outdoor seating will have a ton of people w their dogs of all sizes.


    >-Sometimes I see dogs inside of restaurants.

    Only if the restaurant allows it. Many do not allow dogs inside, but outdoor seating is fair game.

    >-I have even saw one [small] dog in the movie theatres one time.

    100% not

    >-outdoor malls will have them

    Ofcourse, but not inside the stores.

    >-if the dog is small enough, people will have the dog on their lap as they drive

    Haven’t seen that one.

    >bc you cant just let your dog roam free at any beach, there are specific dog friendly beaches

    Dogs aren’t allowed on many beaches during the summer months, only a few beaches are dog friendly and they are also the beaches where they advice you not to swim due to the lack of lifeguards.

  4. I’d say it’s similar in Germany. Many people are obsessed with their dogs and take them everywhere and as someone who doesn’t like close contact with dogs I have to say I find many dog owners quite disrespectful when they let their dogs walk without a leash or let them approach strangers.

  5. I am definitely not a dog person and I’m glad that most people still have the common decency to not bring their dog with them everywhere.

    Many places ban them indoors. By law they are not allowed in supermarkets, butcher shops, fishmongers or any other place that handles, processes or stores food. For some reason though animals are allowed in places where food is only consumed, such as restaurants, on the condition that the owner agrees and that the animal is not a source of contamination (which it IMO always is …).

  6. The latest development I saw is that dog owners pick up their dog’s poop with those dog poop plastic bags …

    … only to throw said poop filled plastic bags into the nearby hedge.

    Corollary: There’re too many people out there who are too stupid for owning a dog.

  7. Any house plot bigger than 300m2 will typically have a dog (especially in the rural areas). There is in my experience a strong mentality that a dog is supposed to be a guard animal, thats why the prefered breeds typically include the larger ones such as the German shephard or the Labrador. There is of course certain subset of people who will pick a dog (eg. American Staffordshire) specifically to feel hardcore/manly, thankfully most aggressive breeds are banned in Poland.

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