There is a coworker of mine who hasn’t flirted with me but always teases me and also helps me a lot when needed. He also gives me special attention or diverts attention towards me when we are talking in a group.
What are the signs that you demonstrate if you like your coworker?

  1. Analyze the time spent thinking about the coworker and compare it to the time spent focusing on your current relationship.

    Love is not anything behavioural or emotional, btw. Just a description of what you fantasize to actually be acceptance.

    Also, if you fantasize about potential lewd behaviour that includes the coworker. Definitely love.

    Does the thought of her doing whatever you are thinking about give you a big hammer? That’s love. Hopefully, she’s not catholic. That would be the end of the love story for me. Also having herpes.

  2. The term “fall in love” was invented to help people avoid responsibility for their actions.

  3. I don’t use the word “love” quite so freely. I carefully try to avoid giving any sign of crushing on a coworker, because it’s considered wrong and inappropriate.

    These days, women have to take initiative, because it’s considered insulting or even criminal for a man to make the first move

  4. Besides all the things you already mentioned (especially diverting attention to you in a group): seeking her out when not really necessary (like ‘just checking up’ if she ‘needs anything done’), little remarks here and there (small compliments; gotta be careful these days with #metoo, though), and watch for how he looks at you. Is he always smiling in a content or appreciative manner? Does he let his gaze rest on you just a second or two longer than what would be ‘natural’?

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    Have a nice day!

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