What is your relationship with sex like?

  1. Non-existent. I’m well aware of and very comfortable with all parts of my sexuality, but I don’t have sex with others or myself, and I don’t ever plan to, for multiple reasons.

  2. Very satisfying. It was very complicated before I met my husband, now it’s amazing.

  3. Its pretty good. I usually enjoy it with myself more. With the partners ive had, i never felt comfortable enough also they’d focus more on themselves getting off then both of us. Id tell what I like and they just didn’t listen. So i get the job done 😂

  4. Ambivalent. I have a fairly low sex drive so it’s not a big deal to me to go long periods without. Sure, it’s definitely nice to have but if I don’t have it, I’m fine.

  5. Unhealthy. I constantly have problems with it being the only reason I could be valuable to other people for. It has been both taken and coerced from me and it’s pretty engrained that its all men want from me

  6. I’m demisexual so I spent most of my life dreading it or hating it or viewing it as a chore, like doing the dishes. Finally I fell in love and got married and now I finally enjoy it. But I can’t imagine ever doing it with anyone else.

  7. It’s great. Married for almost 13 years and it continues to just get better and better.

  8. Not a fan. I don’t find it painful or repulsive but I’ve never craved it. Much prefer solo to with a companion. Not a factor in how I choose a relationship

  9. Wishy-washy. Sometimes it is great and I have no problem with it, other times I get so ashamed (purity background) that I cry when my partner even brings up wanting to pleasure me.

  10. I love sex! Tho my sex drive is a little low due to my meds, but when my partner and I do have sex, it’s fantastic!

  11. Weird. The desire to want it high. Physically acting on it nonexistent. I have trauma around it. I like masturbation. But after years pf parents saying I’m not allowed to have sex and now I’m at an age where I can in my brain having sex with another is “bad” sighs

  12. I love it. I’m someone who values physical compatibility a lot but my culture frowns upon premarital sexual relationships so it’s been an internal battle between who I am intrinsically and how much I love sex and being intimate and someone who’s culture looks down upon sex being used for anything else other than reproduction

  13. Frustrating. I can never find anyone who has as high of a sex drive as I do and it has caused problems in past relationships

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