How do you get a chip off your shoulder?

  1. I usually just brush that shit off. If it’s been stuck there for a while, however, soaking it in warm, soapy water first usually does the trick.

  2. Distract yourself with something else that is meaningful to you. Also, distancing would help, if the reason for your chip pertains to a person or place.

  3. Get over yourself. Life ain’t a cake walk for almost anyone so quit letting your past dictate how you handle situations in the present. People don’t know your history so they’re going to treat you like they’d treat anyone else. You probably don’t deserve better or worse treatment until you’ve earned it one way or another.

  4. By having a broader perspective and empathy for others. If you’ve suffered injustices, that sucks. But you’re not the only one. And most importantly, the only person you’re hurting with a chip on your shoulder is you. Hours, days, and years can be squandered with a bad attitude. We only get the one life.

  5. Take a deep breath and say “fuck it”.

    Its _so_ much easier and less stressful not to bear a grudge, and usually you are the only one being negatively affected by it.

    Metaphorically speaking, put it in a box and yeet that fucker into a river, cos you dont need that shit in your life.

  6. Therapy, I guess.

    I need to figure that out for myself. I can admit that I’m a pretty jaded, bitter person, even though I disguise it with a smile and some humor.

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