Pretty much as it says on the title.

For a bit of backstory – I work in a medium sized company in our head office. There’s a member of another team, we met around a month and a half ago, we just get on with like a house on fire! I was working from home for a few weeks due to circumstances below. However when I walked into the office last week, I kid you not her face lit up! Ever since like day two of knowing one another show one another our fave chocolate bars and swap them, which is great because she has some great taste!!! In a nutshell, basically I think she’s just cute as.

Something is there, I think?!

I’m just in two minds of pursuing it or not, for a variety of reasons.
The big one I guess is we work together, I’ve had a workplace relationship in an old job which turned sour and possessive, with said ex not wanting me to help and spend time with my then terminally ill relative, and ending up with me finding employment elsewhere. And spending as much time with said relative possible.

Since then I’ve told myself not to sh*t where I eat. I love my job too much to go through what I have in the past.
Tying into it is the fact I’m going through a recent-ish close family bereavement (past 12 months) and various mental health struggles. (They were there before, but have been amplified by said bereavement). I feel like it’s unfair to make my problems someone else’s. Alternatively, I’m aware that I’m assuming she likes me, there may be nothing there and I’m overanalysing someone being friendly.

She’s an absolute dreamboat, quirky, kind, cute. You get the gist. Deffo the first crush in a while I’ve had and realised “bloody hell I like this person a fair amount”.

I just don’t know how to go about this, what would you lovely Reddit people advise?

Thank you

Edit – forgot to add the words “in a while” after first crush.

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