My girlfriend told her male friend she would be out of town for the weekend for an event that ended up getting canceled and she caught him sneaking into her house for some unknown reason while he thought she wouldn’t be there. She doesn’t have much to steal, so I’m worried it might have been potentially been for creepy purposes

Full post:
So my current girlfriend and I met back in January and quickly hit it off and have been officially dating for around three months now. She lives around two and a half hours away from me and we both work during the week so we usually only get to see each other on the weekends. Last weekend, we originally had plans for her to come visit me in my hometown and stay for the weekend so I could help out with an event at a local food pantry on Saturday, but the event was canceled so I ended up showing up at her place on Friday night and surprising her instead and we ended up just staying at her place for the weekend.

Since she had no idea the event was going to be canceled, she had texted her best friend (who is a male) that she would be going out of town for the entire weekend. Later on in the weekend I ended up taking her car to go to the gym and she stayed behind at her camper by herself. While she was there by herself she heard her front door open and thought it was me and came to greet me, but instead of me she finds her best friend entering her camper instead. She was confused and surprised and when she asked him what he was doing there, she said he looked shocked and scared and that his excuse for being in there was that he was was worried that she might be in there dead and that he came to check on her.

He also claimed he had been trying to call her, but she never once received any calls from him. Also keep in mind that her car was not there and my car was parked up at the front office of the RV park she lives in, so there were no vehicles in her driveway and as far as he knew her and I were out of town together almost three hours away. They talked for a few minutes and then he left because there was a work party for their old job that he had to be at (they used to work together but they don’t any longer). He had also asked previously about her going to this party, but she told him that she couldn’t because she would be out of town.

She thought it was a little weird at the time because he has never just showed up like that before and also has previously told him that since she’s in a relationship now that it’s not appropriate for them to be alone together, but she trusted him so she just kind of shrugged it off and texted me to let me know that it happened. At first I was a little annoyed that he would just show up like that, but once I got back and we got to talking and I realized that he thought that she was supposed to be out of town I started to get angry because, to me, his story made absolutely no sense and I 100% do not believe that he really came and entered her apartment without even knocking or anything just to check on her. She said he has never just showed up like that before.

He also told her that he had been trying to call her before he showed up and that his calls just must not have gone through. They talk almost every day though and he has never had a problem getting ahold of her any other time. He also ended up calling her about an hour after he left to ask her how to make a drink (she is a bartender) and his call went through just fine. I ended up texting him to confront him and he ignored my text for most of the day (while answering hers) but I eventually got a response about how he was just there to check on her because he doesn’t know me and that he hopes my intentions are pure, while completely avoiding all of the points I made about it being inappropriate to enter her home without even lnocking and why it made no sense that he would be doing so if he thought she was out of town. I also asked him to see the call logs from when he had supposedly tried to call her first, but he gave me an excuse about how his phone is messed up and doesn’t save call logs which I find too convenient given the circumstances. He eventually sent me a text saying he got them to load after resetting his phone and sent me a screenshot of some random call logs from an entirely different day, none of which were her, and when I pointed out that that didn’t make any sense and that she wasn’t listed on there he stopped responding to my texts completely.

I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this situation. I absolutely don’t believe his story and my girlfriend does not either. She isn’t quite sure what to think because they have been very good friends for over 8 years and she trusted him very much. I have no idea what his motivations might have been because he makes decent money and she doesn’t really have anything there worth stealing so I don’t think that’s it, which makes we worry that his motivations were something more creepy / nefarious. She has problems with the lock on her front door so she always leaves her door unlocked when she leaves and he knows this, and he also knew she used to go out of town to visit her parents on her days off work and that really makes me wonder how many times he has done this before. I’d love to hear any thoughts or advice.

  1. Eww, maybe he was there to plant cameras or something, who knows but that’d definitely shaddy.

  2. Someone is lying, either he’s lying to your gf, or they’re both lying to you. There’s not nearly enough info here for us to know which one it is. There is zero chance the story you have is what actually happened, though.

  3. Doesn’t matter what his reasons were. He crossed the line. Make sure he knows he did. And if he ever does anything like that again, call cops on his a**.

  4. Are you kidding me!? She should be freaking out. Someone is literally sneaking into her home when she’s gone wtf!! He was definitely going to snoop around, plant cameras, or some other shit. And I wouldn’t be surprised AT ALL if he does this regularly.

    I would quite literally tell him to never speak to me again and would consider notifying the police. It is seriously insane to me that she’s “not quite sure” about this situation.

  5. He either planned on installing a spy cam or was there to steal panties. He’s no friend of hers or yours. He’s a fucking creep and you know it. She has to drop this ‘friend’ for her own safety and for your relationship.

    Edited to add: Maybe he was there to pick up footage (SD cards) from cameras he’d already installed. I’d have a very close check around that apartment. He was way too casual just walking in there by himself; like he’s done it many time before.

    How did he walk right in anyway? Does he have a key?? This is a whole new level of weird if he has his own key to your gf’s place.

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