Talking to a guy I “met” through online dating for about 3 weeks. We hit it off big time. Both super into each other. He was very excited. Said he was a lonely single guy and even if all he made was a friend he’d be happy.

We were hitting it off so well that I got scared bc I’m very freshly out of a relationship. I expressed this to him. He understood and said reach out if you need a friend. We were trying for a date but it didn’t work out. And then I stepped back.

I tell him in a day or two that I’m sorry I got freaked out and I’d like to keep talking. We keep talking. Conversation flows effortlessly. Flirting. Really into each other. Then he invites for another date. Before the date happens he gets sick. So no date. We talked all day and he was super into me and expressed being disappointed that the date wasn’t happening. And said he’d really been looking forward to it. I said me too but I want him to get well and we can try again soon.

And then after that I didn’t hear from him anymore. It’s been 5 days. At first I’m thinking maybe he got sicker. Maybe his phone is off? He lost his phone? Lol bc I’ve been ghosted before and there’s always little signs or the person is kinda not that into you to begin with. Ya know. Everything was super cool and good and we were gonna try to replan the date soon… and then disappeared.

Today I was like ok I’m being ghosted apparently. And I sent a nice text expressing that I’ve really enjoyed getting to know them. I hope that everything is ok. And if they don’t want to talk anymore that is fine but I wish they’d just let me know. And still no response. Waiting to see if they respond tomorrow. Still matched on online dating. So that’s weird; I’d think if you ghosted you would want to unmatch. What do we think of this? Lol

  1. You havent met right?

    If not, dont even worry about it. There’s no reason to get that invested without actually meeting the person.

    So the ultimate compatibility test is whether both of you actually make time to see each other for dates or not. Because without meeting in person, this is a penpal situation. You can easily lose the attraction when you meet the person IRL…but you need to make that happen first.

  2. I think just being out of a relationship then suddenly jumping back in doesn’t give you enough time to let that relationship burn out so when you freshly jump back in your thoughts and feelings from your past relationship arise

    You begin talking to your new guy with the past mentality, feelings etc. He’s not going to replace your ex. He’s new and can see in you that you’re maybe trying to make him your previous guy.

    I’m not saying that’s what’s happening. Guys thoughts are weird man. You can approach your new guy but it has to be with new feelings. I can see you’re doing everything plus more to get this guy to like you or that’s how you are.

    Sometimes us guys need our own space and in the beginning gotta kinda take it easy. Also you don’t know exactly who he’s talking to or seeing

  3. It’s possible he “ghosted” you because he knows you were still having contact with your ex.

    You and your ex broke up two months ago. You’ve been talking to the “ghoster” for about 3 weeks. According to post history you’ve had no contact with your ex for about 13 days. You claim that you and ghoster were super into each other and hitting it off so well. Umm, I don’t know about that. You still had your connection to your ex. If you told ghoster about it, he probably doesn’t want drama or to be part of a triangle.

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