Does anyone else feel like talking sometimes but not having any idea about what? I feel like this quite often or maybe it’s that I just enjoy listening to people talk but not saying anything myself. Or perhaps it could be lack of social skills.

  1. Yea I have rly sht memory and I’m not quick on my feet. Don’t think there’s anything I can do about it. It is slightly easier with people that have similar interests as me, but it’s still hard.

  2. Same issue here. Can never come up with anything to talk about despite my mind racing to find something (anything) to say. Usually, I just end up asking questions while the other person talks about whatever. Maybe I’m overthinking it too much but talking just never comes naturally to me. :/

  3. I’d say a good way to get involved is by asking follow up questions about something to get more info. Like if they’re all talking about a trip they went on, ask more about how they liked that location or what kind of planning went into a trip like that. Then you can also afterwards add on a tie in to you – like, “oh did you like Barcelona? I heard it’s amazing” … “yeah I was planning a trip there but I went to Amsterdam instead”. Then they’ll likely ask about that. To me it’s a way to tie yourself into the convo as a participant rather an observer. Also I have ADHD and just enjoy asking questions haha.

  4. Same here. Although venting through writing/typing can help take out the burden, there are just times where I’m too emotional about an issue that it just feels better to talk about it to someone – a stranger, preferably because they have no preconceived ideas. I feel like omegle or reddit are the best places for that but whenever I’m there and already engaged in a phone call with a stranger, I just don’t know how to talk anymore 🫠 like i had already prepared an outline in my head, said the story to myself a million times but by the time I say it to someone else, it becomes boring and i get too conscious about how i should feel (if im reacting too much or too little about it) hahaha.

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