Every Friday, just say whatever is in your mind in this post. It doesn’t need to be a question, and go on whatever tangent you want to go on.

We will still be enforcing our rules on gendered slurs, bigoted/disrespectful/hateful commentary, invalidation (if someone’s only contribution is telling others they are wrong), and asking relationship advice. However the comments don’t need to be on a specific topic, and they don’t need to be open-ended questions.

\~The AskWomen Mod Team

  1. THINGS I SAW THIS WEEK: *Everything Everywhere All at Once* and Okilly Dokilly, a Ned Flanders-themed death metal (or Nedal) band. A+ on both counts!

    DREAMS I HAD: On the same night I had two oddly specific dreams pertaining to my mental state at the moment. In the first dream, I was trying to figure out how to get a professional ADHD diagnosis in my area, but I was insistent on using the DuckDuckGo search engine even though the results were complete crap. In the second dream, I engaged in a form of meditation that allowed me to imagine myself in a cis woman’s body for a few minutes, and I hated it! I’ve been questioning my gender identity lately, but I was taken aback by this definitive “no” answer and I just had to laugh.

    DAZ PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Just a simple one, but [one that I find especially relatable this week.](https://imgur.com/gallery/ACDijFw)

  2. i wish old love was more common.. i hate what technology has done to the dating scene

  3. So this is my tangent for this week. I locked my keys in my father’s car and completely forgot that I did after 2 days. Then when I had to step out for groceries, and errands like get my moms pills to spend a hour looking for my keys. My mom started searching for a spare when I realized I may have left my keys in dads car.

    Then when checking my car ( was open because I forgot to lock it too) glove compartment I got a flashback and realized I put my keys in his cars glove compartment.

    Now I’m screwed. Cause it was evening. Can’t go anywhere have no spare keys. I hate being so forgetful 💩 I was so disappointed because I have such Brain Fog due to my thyroid condition.

    However today roadside assistance came to open the car so crisis averted now.

  4. The last of our covid restrictions where I live were finally eased.

    I have been unable to mask for 4 weeks after a septorhinoplasty.

    I now have covid. Fuck.

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