Do you care how much your partner makes?

  1. My current partner makes more than I ever will. I wouldn’t mind if she made less, but it’s pretty fucking awesome that she makes a lot.

  2. It makes no difference to me if she makes 20k or 200k. I’m more focused on her beauty and personality. Wouldn’t care if she lived at home with her parents too. A woman with money isn’t the same as a man with money when it comes to dating.

  3. A little. She has to be able to support herself, because I can’t afford to support both of us. I can’t even afford a 1-bedroom apartment by myself.

  4. Yes. The less, the better. I like to pay for everything and have the power over her. /s

    The more, the better, as it makes it easier for us.

  5. Yes, I want her to be able to support herself. Avoiding the situation that she depends/stays with me because she can’t afford being alone.

  6. Yes, absolutely. I have goals in life and how I want to live and I’m an ambitious high earner and that’s something I wanted in my spouse. And while I currently make about 40% more than her, my wife is more than pulling her weight in letting us live the life we both want to live. Had I married someone who didn’t the same ambition and earning opportunities as my wife I would not be happy with the life I was living right now

  7. The only thing a man I’ve ever known who cared is because of the attitude that comes with her extra money.

  8. Nah. She made more than I did when I was starting as a photographer. Now, I make a lot more than she does. Total income covering expenses is the only metric.

  9. Not at all. I would even be okay if she made enough and I was a stay at home dad. I don’t know if that makes me weird. But I have a lot of hobbies that don’t pay great.
    Or on the other side. Allows me to do a job I love without worrying about how much I make. The fact she loves me enough to do her hard work and let me be happy.

  10. I wouldn’t want to date someone who was looking to be financially supported. Beyond that, I don’t really care as long as they’re contributing *something*.

  11. I’d prefer she makes a comparable amount to me. I don’t want to make significantly more than her and I don’t want her to make significantly more than me. +/- 20% maybe?

  12. No. She spent some years as a stay at home mom and is now back in full time.

  13. No just as long as she’s working full time. That way I know she can take care of my kids if something happens to me.

  14. I don’t because I make a lot of money. But my wife owns and operates her own business, and she works hard at it, but she makes no money. I wish for her sake she made some money so it felt worth it.

  15. Couldn’t give a damn. If she was on welfare/social security it wouldn’t bother me at all, why? Because it’s not about money.

  16. No, cause no mather how things turn out I have to be the caretaker of the goods!

  17. I don’t want to make a statement. But rather, does anyone have examples of when a female came into a lot of money and didn’t get wrapped up in worldly desires? I know a lot of men do but I don’t think at the same rate. Power is something very few people can handle. Just as an observer seeing all these girls go into OF to be rich or the divorce rate of women that have degrees and a stable income makes me feel like I need to ask this. It doesn’t seem like women making a lot of money is good for families on a large scale. Of course, no one wants kids or to get married so back to my general observation. No one cares or stands for anything. So many people are so “whatever”

  18. Pretty important from a budgeting standpoint, also consider schedule changes when you have kids.

  19. I’m going to give that a conditional no. I could not care less how much she makes, however if she makes more than me and not a dollar per paycheck goes to any of the bills, and she refuses to do any household work because she brings him more money, I’m either going to find a job that pays more than she makes so that she can’t pull that card or I’m going to leave.

  20. They have to at least be trying to get money. No way I’m going to be able to keep the two of us afloat if she tries to just bum off me.

  21. Absolutely.

    In fact, I even suspect that when men say they don’t care, they’re just virtue signalling.

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