Hi reddit! I need some advice from people outside of my personal life just to make sure I’m making the right choice and if I am, how I should approach this.

So I (f20) have been dating a guy (m19) for a little under a month now and I want to end things. I’ve been having a lot of anxiety regarding all of this and I’m not sure how to go about ending things or if it is the right choice.

Here’s why I want to break up:
– He has poor hygiene and I’ve had to tell him ways to take care of himself.
– He leaves my room and personal belongings smelling gross which gives me some sensory issues
– He keeps changing his life goals and opinions to match mine (ex: haircuts, wanting kids or not, where to live in the future, etc)
– Hes making things really serious really fast. He said I love you within a few days of dating and he’s made references at wanting to marry me.
– My last relationship was incredibly abusive (sexually and emotionally) so I can’t have intimacy without shutting down and he sometimes says and does things my abuser did which has been causing some trauma to resurface. (which I had been fine when we started seeing each other)
– I’m constantly driving out to see him and paying for most things, which I think should be a close to 50/50 thing.
– We just don’t have as good of chemistry as he thinks we do.
– Has a really high libido and just isn’t always considerate of the fact that I can’t always handle that mentally and sometimes brings up his horniness right after i’m in a very vulnerable emotional state.

I feel guilty for feeling this way because he is a good person, I just don’t think I want to see him romantically. I’m scared to end things because of his reaction (not because of him, but I have a lot of guilt when it comes to upsetting people and because my last break up was traumatizing.) I wish this would fade away but I would feel awful ghosting him.

I’ve been busy so I’ve had some space away from him to think about this. What should I do?

1 comment
  1. I’ve dated women with anxiety and the truth is you know this isn’t working out you are just afraid of his reaction or hurting him. There is nothing else to do other than biting the bullet and ending things. If it makes you feel better do it over a video call so it’s not in person. Based on what you said here, it does not seem you should be dating at all right now and should take some time to heal.

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