Three months ago my wife (F41) applied for a job overseas and she got the job. We were very excited about this new opportunity. We both quit our old jobs and sold our stuffs (car,possessions,etc) even said goodbye to friends. However, one month ago, she told me she’s not happy in our relationship.

We’ve been together for 13 years, and although we have had our differences, we have gone to therapy and managed to solved them and learn from each other. Before she telling me not being happy, I thought we had a good sex life ( Sex twice a week, she reached orgasm most of the times) but she told me our sex life was barely Ok and she stood all these years with me because it was the most comfortable thing for her to do.

We recently had a baby, he’s ten months old, and I don’t want to be far from him. I consider myself a good parent. I take care of him, feed him, change diapers and be with him. Also I take care of house stuff such as laundry,dishes and cleaning. Still, my relationship went from being in a stable marriage to having a roommate in a new strange country.

I can take my share of responsability for my relationship failure’s, however, she’s just focused in our baby and her new job. She tells me she wants me to “work in myself” and stop worrying about her. She says my responsibility is only towards our son.

I just feel I was left behind three months ago and there are not recognition for my effort to make her feel comfortable and safe, not only while pregnant but after delivery and all of this months before our new adventure in this country.

Am I the one who’s wrong? Did I miss some important in the relationship?

  1. Postpartum depression could be an issue. Have you suggested marriage counciling?

  2. Lawyer up.

    It looks like she wants to be a free agent when she lands in the new country and there’s not much you can do about it.

  3. Have you already moved? If not you amd the kid stay here with family and rebuild here. Once she gets the kid in another country she’s trapped you there or you will have to be away from you child.

    This was something for her to do before the big changes

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