Besides liking girls, what do you have in common with lesbians?

  1. I don’t know many lesbians, but I find the bisexual women are usually much more empathetic towards me and they are more willing to do stuff that I enjoy

  2. I am completely convinced that women are inherently better than men. Obviously there are going to be outliers, but on the averages men are just worse people.

  3. Plaid shirts. Combat pants and picking fights with random men to support feminism

  4. Practical solutions to problems. All the lesbians I know are hardcore pragmatists.

  5. Entirely depends on the lesbian in question beyond the normal stuff like eating or breathing. Examples to follow.

    In Gemma’s case it’s being friends with her ex, a large swathe of my musical tastes, university attended, and taste in books.

    In Sam’s case, as much as I despise her, we used to both work in the same place and have the same job.

    Sair: we both found it amusing her dog bit Sam. Also worked in the same place (shocking I know given the first point of commonality).

  6. Kayak fishing…

    Had a lesbian couple that I used to go kayak fishing with but they moved away and I no longer have anyone that wants to go kayak fishing with me

  7. lesbians don’t have any qualifying traits besides

    1. woman
    2. into women

    so there’s not really a comparison to be drawn

  8. I like boots, flannel shirts and short haircuts and I work in law enforcement.

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