How did losing weight change your life?

  1. My dick gained an inch(2.5cm)

    It’s incredible to lose weight and look at your body and see it change over time, but then you’re tugging one out one day and you say “Damn, look at you big man!” Cause your ding dong went from a pee pee to a DICK.

  2. I’m still a thick gal with curves That said I feel better. I have more flexibility and ofc clothes:)

  3. Best thing I’ve ever done. I finally had the self confidence to leave my cheating husband, I don’t have anxiety every day about what to wear (everything fits!) I don’t loath mirrors, I don’t have constant anxiety about things like sitting in a full car, being caught eating in public (I was so embarrassed to eat), travelling and airplane seats, I’m not out of breath all the time, I had no idea how easy walking long distances could be because it used to hurt my feet so much, I can run now! (Not well lol) I was able to join the military! I could keep going…. My whole life changed!

  4. Not getting winded and sweaty just from getting dressed after a shower

    Going to the gym more often

    More flexibility/choices in what clothes I buy

    Seeing myself in pictures (i.e., social events, work functions) and I don’t cringe

  5. I think outside of feeling sexier, which lets face it is a societal thing we are engrained with, I also felt less anxious and more energetic which allowed me to have more real life experiences than before.

  6. Which time? I always feel better and enjoy wearing cute clothes and not hiding from cameras, but my old habits always catch up with me eventually. It is depressing.

  7. for diversity in answers.

    losing weight made me feel free to use my sexuality as a weapon to manipulate men. when i felt like i looked sexy i felt like i could get guys to do anything i wanted. i lost who i really was and became a worse version of myself.

    i gained some, but not all, of the weight back and was much happier with who i was. at a slightly heavier weight (just above the threshold of overweight) is a good balance for me. it forces me to put my value in who i am instead of how i look.

  8. Does the opposite count if it was fast enough to notice? I gained a lot of wait pretty quickly between grad school and work (and then followed up after with covid) and my legs and back could definitely feel them, especially in my knees. I’m working on losing it again now because its things I didnt realize when I was thinner but quickly becoming heavier made them very apart what I didnt have to deal with. That and I can find it really uncomfortable to sleep/lay in bed compared to before. It’s hard to explain but especially around my waistline the skin folds differently if laying on my side and there was a period where it just was so uncomfortable to lay in certain positions

  9. My “friends” struggling with their weight have started calling me “skinny bitch”.

  10. It’s made me more self conscious. Lots of people commenting how I’m too thin and I need to “eat a cheeseburger”. I feel frustrated with my lack of appetite and embarrassed when I barely eat half my meal in a social setting. I feel constant judgement and jealousy from my friends who struggle with their weight. I also struggle with my weight but never receive any validation of that struggle because I’ve never been overweight.

  11. I’m working on it right now but with a focus on being active. I can see my stamina improving each day so that’s rewarding.

  12. While losing weight, I was working out and, thus, got physically stronger. I don’t have to ask people to lift heavy things for me, I dont get out of breath when I’m walking long distances, I have a newfound love of hiking which has allowed me to connect to myself spiritually, and I feel so bad ass in my body. I feel like I can conquer the world.

    Also, since I was so convinced that I couldn’t possibly loose weight, when I actually did it proved to me that I can conquer so many goals that I once found daunting. I have written a screenplay for a feature film, have quit a job I hated and found a new one I loved after months of hesitating, and I have branched out socially and made more meaningful relationships with others.

  13. I lost 50 kg from barieatric surgery. And got attention from men i never did before. People treat you totally different when you’re skinny. I didn’t like it.
    One guy, who frequently bullied me for being fat, asked me out cos “now you’re not ugly anymore”
    Got out of there quick.
    But being able to buy women’s clothes and have confidence to take photos of myself.
    Its sad we make people so ashamed just for being overweight

  14. People are nicer and I get taken more seriously at work. Now that I’ve gained the weight back I’m invisible again, but I’m working on getting back in shape.

  15. I’m not at my goal weight yet but so far, I’ve been feeling more confident, don’t have to worry about not fitting in seats and I don’t get out of breath as fast as I did at my highest weight. I can’t wait until I reach my goal weight & can wear the clothes that I’ve always dreamed of wearing and feel even more confident.

  16. It wrecked my health which has in turn really had an impact on my overall quality of life.

  17. I became much more athletic. Once carrying that extra 100 lbs was gone, working out was not awful. To be clear, I only became really active once I lost the weight and not during the weight loss. Now I row competitively, run 10ks(even a half marathon), do boxing, yoga, golf and I am just overall outside much more often. Also, being able to buy clothes that you actually feel pretty good in vs just buying because you can fit into them does make you feel a lot better. My arms are still big and clunky and I do have body issues that never really went away. People don’t know I was heavier and I don’t run around telling people and sometimes it’s hard for me to deal with compliments, criticisms, and dressing for work/going out while keeping that I was much bigger deep inside. I am also much more adventurous, I mean, I always was but now I am able to do a lot more things experience wise than I was before like skydive and scuba. I also put myself out there dating wise because I felt like I was pretty cute. Dated around a bit, had some fun, and fell in love with a great guy.(it’s been 3 yrs and still Ive never told him that I lost a lot of weight but he is def aware of the body issues). Find someone who makes you feel beautiful just the way you are 🙂 anyways, those are the biggest changes so far.

  18. I got confident. I feel stronger and healthier. My boyfriend can pick me up easier too 😂

  19. Good and bad. When I was 17-21 (5’9) I went from 180 to 115, I wasn’t anorexic but I worked out everyday and ate only healthy things strictly.

    I lost my period for 2 years and was put on birth control, which made me gain like 15 pounds. Then over the few months I managed to eat other things besides fruits and veggies and be at a healthy weight in happy with. Overall I’m glad I’m not where I was being underweight, looking back now it was super unhealthy for me.

  20. Not in a positive way. I was already underweight, and I lost 10kg in a matter of weeks because of stress, dropping to less than 40kg. I couldn’t eat even if I wanted to, food had become a source of anxiety. I have since managed to overcome this and regain the kgs I had lost.

  21. I kept having to spend money on new clothes and bras. It affected my bank account mostly.

    I can move easier and better, and my knees are less painful.

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