Would love to hear what historical moment you would like to wind the clock back to and visit. You don’t have to originally have been there for it to happen. Could be the final of a football match, or an interesting moment in time since 2000. Entirely up to you!

  1. 5 minutes before a lottery draw, but this time knowing the numbers šŸ˜„ is it historic, no, but it would be for me šŸ˜„

  2. To be honest, there weren’t any historic events I did much other than watch on TV, so I would just go for something personal.

    I had a pretty amazing Summer in 2002 that involved a brilliant trip around Europe interrailing with some friends, then a holiday with a girlfriend in the South of France that was basically just a week of getting drunk, eating cheese, and shagging.

    So I would quite like to relive that, although I don’t think I could keep up any more.

  3. 9/11. It’s morbid, but it would be interesting to see the world shatter while being old enough to truly appreciate what was happening.

    Plus, even at the time, most people knew Blair and Bush were bullshitting about Iraq, so that would be interesting to experience from the same angle.

  4. I was only 16 in 2012 when we hosted the olympics and kind of wish Iā€™d have appreciated it more, itā€™s a rare opportunity that weā€™ll probably never see again in our lifetime!

    But I also really enjoyed the Queenā€™s Jubilee Weekend last year, absolutely loved the concert they put on, Iā€™d love to re-live that and appreciate it more. Iā€™m not a royalist but it was just a nice break for everyone and showed our patriotism to the country.

    But Iā€™m sure thereā€™s soon to be more events like that to come, more than likely next one for the Kingā€™s coronation!

  5. I’d relive one very funny moment – the live broadcast of the solar eclipse (okay, it was August 1999, who cares) and the awkwardness of the presenters walking around…under an overcast sky. *snigger*

  6. Ajax v Tottenham but only if I’d somehow also have the result wiped from my memory so I can enjoy it all over again.

  7. The covid pandemic, ruined my business, my dad’s business and I’m sure many others. He’d be retired by now if it hadn’t happened.

    EDIT: My bad, I misread the title and thought it said remove one event from recent history šŸ˜‚

  8. The concept of there being historical moments in the last 23 years baffles me. I don’t want to re-live any of them. I was there first time round and this century hasn’t got off to a very good start.

    That being said, the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony was special.

  9. Millennium evening boy what a party that was
    Looking back now everyone worried about the millennium bug
    Crazy time

  10. 2012 Olympics. From the opening ceremony, all the events, the paralympics, and the closing ceremonies. The whole summer had such a positive vibe. It’s sad that the country had just felt like it’s been sliding round the u-bend since then.

  11. Whenever bitcoin was at the lost point and then dropping my entire savings and cashing at their heights and then buying at their lowest, rinse and repeat until we are back into our current time line.

  12. I know covid was really shit for a lot of people, and I’m very privileged to have a nice house with a big garden and nobody close to me was greatly affected, but the lockdown for me and my family was a great time.

    The first lockdown summer. Myself and the Mrs were furloughed. My kids were 3 and 6. I got to spend every waking second with them. Playing in the garden, going for our hour walk every day, making frog habitats, painting, fucking about in the paddling pool, drawing, the occasional bit of homework. The summer was insane.

    I’ll probably never get to do that kind of thing again.

    I’d go back to then.

  13. Champions League Final 2005. I was 16 and went out with friends that night, but now that he’s not here I’d do anything to go back in time and watch it with my dad!

  14. The Olympic torch came through my sleepy little countryside town and we made a big deal of it, big party in the streets with entertainers and stalls and music etc, was the last time the town really felt like they were ā€œtogetherā€ would be good to experience that again

  15. Why does my brain and soul freeze up and die a little when I think of “historical” and “after the year 2000”

  16. Kieran trippier free kick in the 2018 World Cup semi final against Croatia. My life peaked at that very moment. Such a memorable summer.

  17. ā€œAgain, Wilkinson in placeā€¦ Jonny Wilkinsonā€¦ HEā€™S DONE ITā€

  18. I was in the stadium on the last night of the Olympics in 2012. I saw Mo Farah win his 2nd gold medal, cheered my heart out for him every lap of that 5000m, and although not quite as epic as the previous ā€˜Super Saturdayā€™, it was still utterly fantastic. I would live that day, that entire 2 and a bit week period, and that entire summer over and over and over again. It was superb.

  19. The leeds fest where Daphne and Celeste headlined, it was in 2000, and looking back on it was a great troll.

  20. This is very embarrassing, but I would want to meet up with someone in the year 2000 just so I could play the Pulp song. I always thought doing that as a time traveler would be cool

  21. Iā€™d go back to 2014 when same sex marriage was finally legalised. Iā€™d love to see the celebrations and the love

  22. Watching David Blaine get harassed whilst in a Perspex box, the abuse he got made me proud to be British.

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