Ok so I don’t wanna trauma dump or anything, but I’m basically dying next month lmfao (it’s not funny but I’m trying not to freak out) and I’m still a virgin because I’m 18 and I only want one guy to fuck me. The problem is that we aren’t dating, but we have a lot of history, so I don’t want to ask him for sex because it would be humiliating for me and probably really awkward for both of us, but I want it to be enjoyable, so I don’t want to tell him the truth but he probably wouldn’t agree to it otherwise because I’m not his girlfriend. And we are both single.

Edit: Also the reason it has to be him is because he’s the only person I’ve ever fallen in love with.

  1. All questions about your condition aside, what’s the worst that could happen if you ask? He’ll say no?

    Explain to him your situation and your feelings in a calm and polite manner, and just ask. Embarrassing or weird as it may be, I’d just do it.

  2. My heart goes out to you. I hope that you get not only this but everything that you want and need in the time that you have left. You deserved so much more and I’m sorry that life can be so cruel and unfair.

  3. I would just ask him “accidentally” – if he ever thought of you on sexual way. If his answer is “No”, you can react with an “Interesting”. If his answer is “Yes” – you may react with a “Me too”. Etc.

  4. Just say hey, Have you ever seen the movie called Friends with Benefits..

    I used this line a couple times and both times the female’s knew I was inviting them in for sex lmao.

  5. Why don’t you ask him if he wants to hang out with you and proceed from there instead of asking him directly for sex? If he doesn’t want to hang out with you it’s unlikely he wants to have sex with you and you just embarrass yourself for asking.

  6. With your edit, I don’t think you are being honest with yourself. You just want to have sex and it has to be this one guy. Why this guy? Because you love him?

    So you don’t want sex, you want a boyfriend. Focus on the relationship and the sex will follow.

  7. You mentioned you have a lot of history with him and you love him also so first try to develop a bond, you don’t have to stretch it too long even 3-4 days or a week is enough. In this period, try to make things spicier. You can hug him when you meet, watch movies, do outings and have fun together (not sexual).

    When you think it’s going perfect, tell him your feelings and don’t worry because at maximum he can say No and I hope you will respect his decision as you love him and love is more about making someone free rather than sticking with someone.

    Coming on to sex. I have mentioned the above considering you love him and your main target is not just to get laid. However, you initially mentioned that you want to have sex and all you need is to have a guy who can fuck you. First of all it is because of hormones and you are thinking by the Pussy and that’s why all you want is a dick. If this is the case, then you can directly approach him and go for casual sex, one night stand or FWB but then you have to sacrifice your love.

    I would advise you to think patiently whether it’s love or not then you can choose one of the ways which I mentioned. In the present situation your pussy is on fire and it might be difficult for your mind to conquer it and make the right decision. Thus, please take the decision logically.

    In any case, if you have sex then please use protection, have a STD test for both of you, contacts of people who can handle and help you in an emergency situation and make sure of consent too. As you are a female who is horny, it might be possible you let the wrong guy fuck you (I am praying that won’t happen) that’s why I am mentioning all this.

    Please make the decision wisely. More power to you girl.

  8. It’s been several hours since I made this post and now it’s starting to settle in. I’m so scared and upset right now. I don’t want to die, but not many people in my life care about me and I feel like when I die I’m just going to be one less person in the world. 😞

  9. If you’re planning suicide, please consider talking to someone. There are resources out there to help you.

    988lifeline.org is one. You can call or text 988, if you’re in the US. If you’re elsewhere, please google <your country> suicide prevention.

  10. We’re rooting for you OP! You got this! What’s the worst thing that could happen? You die of embarrassment? Well your dying anyway! Explain your situation, ask him politely. If he says no, find someone else. Just for a one night stand. You got this girl!!

  11. If a friend of my had a terminal condition and asked me to take her virginity I’d do it. Even if I was really attracted to her. Because honestly, the level of trust she’d be placing in me would be immeasurable. So I say ask him. He may turn you down, but then you get another lifetime achievement, experiencing rejection.

    That last bit was a joke and I hope it landed. Go ask your friend.

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