Just want to share what I’m experiencing because I’ve never felt this way before

I (32f) matched with this guy (33m) on Hinge. We’ve been talking for more than a month and have gone on 4 dates. When we first started talking, we texted throughout the day talking about relationship goals, life goals, expectations, etc. I initiate these topics by asking what’s he looking for on Hinge and I was surprised by how deep the conversations were. I wanted to know these things even before meeting each other irl because I’m looking for a life partner and not interested in anything casual (don’t want to waste anybody’s time). He mentioned that he’s not a texter and he prefers meeting in person or facetime. Because we were getting to know each other for the first time so he wanted to put in more effort but he said he may not text as much in the future. I really appreciated the heads up. The texting did slow down a bit after our first date, and at one point I felt the urge to ask him to text more but I didn’t because he already made it clear he’s not a texter, I should respect that.

Then we went on our second date. He kissed me before I left. Then he texted me saying he had a great time and really want to see me again. I texted back to say I enjoyed our date and look forward to seeing him soon. After this, I just felt very happy but I didn’t feel like texting him. Like …at this point I knew he’s into me and I just want to enjoy the moment. Since our second date, we still text each other daily but only 1,2 times a day. I feel okay with it and I actually don’t even want to text that often anymore. I just feel very excited to see him. I want to save all the questions and stories to tell him in person. I think I enjoy seeing him and spending time with him so much that texting doesn’t mean much to me anymore. It’s kinda weird for me because I’ve always been a texter.

I used to feel insecure when people suddenly take a long time to reply. But with this guy I feel secure even though we only text a couple times a day. I don’t even reply as soon as I’m done reading his text anymore. I just continue with my day and reply when I’m not doing anything else. I don’t need to text often to feel connected. Just knowing that I’m gonna see him soon is enough.

I used to go on Reddit to read about why people take a long time to reply, or why people don’t text as often. But I now understand in person interaction means so much more than texting.

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