And why would you say they were so different from your past partners?

  1. Most guys I’ve dated were “typical” guys – sports fans, or into outdoor activities, movie buffs, things you generalize guys would like. However, I dated one guy who was polar opposite—he wasn’t outdoorsy at all, didn’t like sports, was a musician, very artsy. It was a unique experience because I liked him a lot but turns out I have a type for a reason. We didn’t last because we just didn’t have the best chemistry

  2. Terribly. I thought he was different. I thought I found “the one”. He wasn’t. He has genuinely put me off having any type of relationship with a man again. I’ll be staying single for ever. I’ll never put myself through that again.

  3. I dated a guy who isn’t very bright and was in a poly relationship, both of which were new for me. It turned out fine. It didn’t last, but I look back on our time together fondly. I think it was a great relationship for me based on what I was doing in my life then but wouldn’t be suitable for me long term. He’s a nice guy, we are still friends on social media, he’s met my husband, etc.

  4. In past partners, I was younger and chose them based off the passion and chemistry. The highs were high but the lows were also low. I thought some of the toxicity were normal and just things couples go through to become stronger lol. My current partner is different in the sense that we have more compatibility financially and way more similar outlooks in religion and family/friendship values. Our relationship is more stable and though at times that’s felt a bit more dull, I’ve decided maybe that’s just how a healthy relationship might be and I’m still growing out of the draw to drama/turbulence.

  5. Yeah. Married now. No regrets.

    The beginning was difficult though. I was being my regular kind of idiot in the beginning of the relationship. I hurt him a lot. But what makes him different from everyone else I’ve ever gotten close with is that he is not afraid of talking. We just talk about everything. Openly. That’s something that I have never had in my life so far.

  6. I’d say my girlfriend is pretty different from my previous partners. In hindsight my previous partners were all coping with trauma and issues with not the greatest coping skills(wanting to be verbally abused during sex or binge drinking). Probably says more about me since I ended up with them.

    My girlfriend is a lot more of a homebody, silly/goofy, and emotional than I’m used to so I had to really adjust and learn to compromise which has been really beneficial.

  7. It turned out to be my longest-lasting relationship, changed my own relationship with a lot of important things (my career, finances, etc.), and taught me a lot about myself.

    It helped shape me into the person I am today, and I appreciate that.

    It wasn’t healthy by any means but it had some really good fringe benefits.

  8. My typical type is someone artistic, alternative, edgy, maybe a look a little used lol. I ended up stuck on this one fuck boy who is completely different. He was into more pop hip hop or mumble rap. Liked post Malone, xxtenacion (not sure if that’s how you spell it). Loved being on social media and dressed to impress. He was good looking and he was honestly funny af. We had really good banter and that’s what stuck with me. This lasted years and he totally fucked me over. Not saying it had anything to do with him liking different music or dressing non edgy. Or maybe it did? Idk but I haven’t dated or been interested in anyone since. He really fucked with my head! Now I find myself giving double takes to guys that “look” like him. I hate it.

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