As the tittle says, I just want to hear from a few of you. Try and understand how one day you just woke up and knew what your purpose was, and where it came from?

  1. I don’t think there is a purpose.

    Sometimes things appear meaningful and everything seems to be going somewhere.

    Other times, it’s all just random meaningless garbage. Nothing more than just things happening, like a bad movie with no direction.

  2. I’ve decided my purpose is just to experience the things I want to. Human existence is so insignificant to the universe. So when nothing really matters, I get to choose what matters. Some days I travel, some days I stay at home and do nothing. Some days I work hard, some days I say fuck it. I experience what *I* choose to experience.

  3. One possible path:

    What is purpose? I suggest that it may be a byproduct of sustained meaning across time. Or put another way, it may be the inverse of a depression state.

    So where do we find purpose? Through daily sustained meaning.

    How do we do meaning? Meaning is truth + aim + responsibility. Truth is your orienting mechanism. Aim is your intrinsic values driving you towards goals that matter to you. Responsibility allows you to embody the values and virtues your aiming at in a sociocultural setting that gives you a place in society, access to resources, increasing levels of difficulty and quality opportunities(as we take on more complex responsibility).

    The physiological structure of meaning is pretty important to know too: values and virtues define goals. Movement at goals engages the TPN. The TPN tracking the struggle towards goals engages the incentive reward system (NOT attaining goals, it is struggle and measuring struggles that fires it off). The incentive reward system controls dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc. Vaboom chemical structure of meaning.

    Dopamine is the key meaning molecule. The book to master it is The Molecule of More

    If you don’t know your aim [this]( is the quick start question that makes you just start living your aims.

    Important: skipped the gut part entirely. If your gut health is boned meaning is rough. Gut has 80ish% of your serotonin and 40% of your dopamine.

    TLDR: Purposes meaning leads to purpose, then rambled about how values connection to neurological systems that then dose you in chemicals to facilitate a sense of meaning.

  4. Set some goals….and accomplish them..kinda hard in the civilian world but I guess you would work on improving yourself first maybe. Well my purpose was the military which I retired from 3 years ago also helped me get into Univ. and graduate.

  5. Nobody has a purpose imo. We give ourselves a purpose by deciding to do something. You don’t even need to have a purpose. Just live, do your thing and go peacefully

  6. I gave up hopes and dreams. I kept fucking up my life paths and constantly created regret after regret. I don’t try anymore. There is no purpose

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