While I know it’s usage tends to vary my region, it seems like a lot of Gen Z has started smoking. Generally speaking if you were to ask me about cigarette smoking 3 years ago I would say it’d be (more or less) rare for anyone under 40 to be a smoker, but I’ve noticed a recent uptick of 20 years smoking cigarettes.

  1. If anything it’s because of the rules of breaks for workers. Some places give smokers regular smoke breaks, while the same breaks are denied for non-smokers, so some workers choose to smoke just to get those breaks from work.

  2. I’m 25 and for me, I been smoking all my life, I vape too, but smoking is just better and more social for work, plus I mean, we’re all depressed anyway, not to be grim but if the side effects kill me, they kill me – it’s whatever

  3. The best available data suggest this is true, and is largely a consequence of vaping. Vaping increased nicotine consumption among young people for the first time in decades, and people who already vape are far far more likely to start smoking because some of them get addicted to nicotine.

  4. Nicotine ingestion definitely is. It’s the golden age for vaping right now, across multiple age groups. Young people are drawn to vaping for sure. I’d think cigarette usage would be down owing to the new federal age limit of 21 (which applies to vaping too but it’s way less regulated)

  5. Nicotine for sure is. I see lots of younger people vaping or taking those nicotine packs in their gums.

    Also lots of younger kids seem to meme around that “drunk cigs don’t count”

  6. Definitely. When I was in college in the mid 2010s vapes were just starting to become common, but overall smoking and vaping were something only a few people did. Now, I see a lot of college aged kids smoking and it seems that many of them started with vaping.

    We need to treat vaping how we treated smoking, but I think it’ll be harder because fruit flavored cigs aren’t a thing but fruit-flavored vapes are.

  7. Anecdotally, I don’t know a single person my age who smokes cigarettes. I’m 24. I knew some vapers in high school and know some vapers now, some people smoke cigars on occasion, some people smoke weed. Those groups also have a lot of overlap. IME people are sticking with vapes and not making the switch to cigarettes.

  8. Where I specifically live its rare to see an actual cigarette smoker under 40. Like others have said it’s vaping. Even seeing an actual cigarette doesn’t seem all that common. I’m in a smaller beach town. I do occasionally see an older lady smoking on the beach. And if I’m being honest I’m not sure how old she is

    Didn’t the minimum age to buy tobacco change fairly recently? I haven’t ever looked into it, but is that for all states?

  9. Nah. I mean vaping was big for a minute but I cant even remember the last time I saw that vile steam lately either.

  10. I can’t say I’ve noticed an increase in young people smoking cigarettes. There is probably some hipster/retro appeal now that smoking has been in decline for so long, but not enough to offset the drop. There are so few places you can smoke indoors now that it’s more hassle than fun. Also, cigarettes are $10 a pack now.

    The thing I find perplexing is why anyone who didn’t smoke cigarettes would start vaping. Nicotine is the lamest of all recreational drugs. I can’t hate on vaping because it has helped so many people quit smoking, but I do find it odd.

  11. The last time I went to a concert I was thrown off seeing how many people that looked to be in their 20’s that had a vape in their hand; puffing away. Mind you I’m 28 and vaped quite a few years but quit when I was 27. Best thing I ever did. Made me feel like crap most of the time and gave me horrible anxiety.

  12. I’ve noticed it. It was uncool for a while and now it’s so uncool that it’s cool again, I guess. I don’t see that many people vaping anymore. Someone actually asked me for a lighter the other day and that hasn’t happened in years.

  13. It is. It seems to me that it’s going in the reverse direction that people expected too. Instead of smokers switching to vaping to quit smoking, kids are starting with vaping, getting addicted to nicotine, and switching to cigarettes at some point (I assume they’re cheaper?).

    That’s the trend I’ve noticed, at least. I’m Gen Z.

  14. Yes, I’m gen z and I know a bunch of people who smoke cigarettes now. Everybody used to vape or juul. In my city they banned flavored nicotine/vapes so the people who used to vape just went full circle back to smoking cigarettes lol.

  15. Zyns are really big at the college I go to and the colleges my friends go to, but most people my age who smoke only do so while drunk. I know very few sober smokers.

  16. Vaping yes. Cigs not that I have noticed, thankfully. So nasty. Vaping is gross too.

  17. I smoked from age 16 to 26 and quit when my son was born. It’s been 5 years since I quit and I’m so glad. I can’t believe I used to walk around smelling like that.

  18. Zoomer here: Most people I know vape semi-regularly and smoke weed at least occasionally. Tobacco cigarettes are less common, though you’ll sometimes see them at parties.

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