English is not my native language so i apologize for any grammar mistakes.

A bit of an info: I am a minor and at the age I’m at my relatives ask me about my love life but at the same time i seem a bit too young for that kind of stuff. I am i female, and the person I’m talking about is male but please use they/them if refering to me. (Also I’m unsure if i can post this since I’m a minor)

About two months ago i met a person (who’s a bit younger than me) in a game. We played and talked a lot and they confessed to me at the same day we met. I found it strange and confusing since i have no experience in relationships and i often have problems identifying my feelings/emotions. We started flirting and now we are something Inbetween a couple and just friends. Recently they had exams and they were pretty busy in general so i didn’t text them much to not disturb them. Now when everything has come to an end (with their exams) nothing has changed in our interactions. When in the past we could talk like hours now our dm’s are just: “good morning” “goodnight” “how was your day?”. I can text something about what’s happening throughout the day and that’s it. I asked them about it before and they said that they’re busy. People say that if you want to stay in touch with someone, you should text first and go for a conversation but I’m tired of this.
Sometimes i think about cutting them off or at least tell them I just want to stay friends but i feel like it’s too selfish because they told me that my support means a lot to them and they even broke up with their partner. (there were different reasons and i am not the main one)

So i would like to hear your thoughts on a situation. what should i do next? I’m sorry if it’s a bit childish but I’m lost and don’t really have anyone to talk about it. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. You are not childish. I think you have generally good read on the situation and to me it looks like you can trust that your read on the situation is solid. Adult 10 years older deal with very similar situations nowadays.

    You didn’t need experience to correctly find it odd that someone would confess the day you met.

    My read on the situation is that this person had a strong Infatuation the first day which lead to confessing and now after having the pause in tight contact it faded and they are just not putting as much effort into the communication.

    You again for good reason don’t feel great that after the pause for a valid reason they haven’t resumed the interaction after the valid reason has passed.

    So what should you do. Emotionally you should not put any hope in this getting back to the good times. There is nothing forcing you to do anything else, maybe slowly fade out the communicating.

    The other option is sending them a final message and then going no contact, but that might feel wrong to you because you are in the gray area of the talking stage so break up from it feels like overkill.

    If you want to give it last final try you can send a message saying something like you miss the good chats you had and the choose what to do based on the response or lack of it.

    As I said in the beginning think you can trust yourself and choose the path that you think is the best.

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