Men, what hobbies do you share with your partner?

  1. All of them. They are all on a metaphorical dart bored and we throw darts to see what we do together and what’s just mine. So far it’s just my love for painting is the only thing that’s my own thing. We do everything else.

  2. Cooking is by far the biggest and also gardening. I think she has every essential kitchen herb growing right now. You could say most of what we did in our dating stage really revolved around food. She came over all the time and we cooked together……and we still do.

  3. I’m alone I have my own hobbies , wide range of things like hiking, cycling, cars, watch collecting, travel ..etc the sense of freedom is great

  4. Currently, none. Prior to having the kiddo, we did a lot of hiking together. It’s a little harder to do backpacking with a toddler, but we’ll pick it up again once she’s a little older. None of my current hobbies (chess, some programming, riding my bike) are her cup of tea. Most nights, she’s watching TV while I fiddle on the computer.

  5. I hide all of my hobbies from my wife. I feel it’s important to have boundaries when it comes to a successful relationship. Like she knows I’ll be gone for a few days that’s all she needs to know

  6. She is someone that just likes variety. Weekends might be hiking, art museum, mini golf, picnic, aquarium, boating, really anything. Almost like the hobby is ‘something we haven’t done in a while.’ Thats all cool by me.

  7. Currently single, but had basically none with my last several relationships. I learned by my late twenties that there was very little value in either teaching her to do the stuff I do or pretend I like the stuff she does.

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