So I(29f) have been seeing this guy (35) for a few weeks now and I’ve been having an overwhelming problem. Ive been with guys who can last a good time during sex, but none quite like this one, and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m not satisfying even though he swears it’s not me.

Positions can’t last for a stupid amount of time. We were in spooning position and It seemed to be atleast 20 minutes of strokes, only to be pushed over into prone for him to kneel there and completely obliterate me for another 15.

I thought I’d finish him while riding, only to finish myself, nd him taking the reigns back for another number of positions. I’ve never had a guy beat my time like this but damn. It’s fantastic for me, I just wanna return the fun

  1. Look…. Some of us last a while sometimes. My wife and I have an easy average of 45 minutes…. One time it was 1½ hours. Lots of orgasms on her part, lots of me flipping her into different positions. I often do not finish and this is not a reflection of her, but my stamina.

    Personally I enjoy satisfying my wife and it’s even more fulfilling than the orgasms I have. I can have an orgasm in 3 minutes with my hand, so that’s nothing special…. What I do to her is though….

  2. I am one of these guys. It is not really reflective on you as it is just how we are built. I have a lot of scar tissue so I don’t feel as much. And secondly, I love to make my partners cum.

    For practical advice, do you want to make your dude who last a while cum?

    There is a few things that work for me:

    – Fizzy or heating lube inside of the condom, or before sex.

    – Massaging, caressing and teasing a lot before sex to turn me on to the max

    – Stimulate the glans of the penis a ton, it is like a reflex and will make a man ejaculate even if he doesn’t want to. It is like making someone sneeze or tickling them. When you want to make him cum, pull it out, stimulate the crown of the glans all over, especially the frenulum, and pull down on the penis so the nerves are more exposed/to get the foreskin out of your way. The frenulum is like a little elastic band of skin under the head.

    Best of luck out there! Don’t faint!

  3. I usually last awhile because of SSRI antidepressant meds. My gf said once she felt bad, I let her know that it was absolutely nothing she was doing or not doing, and I actually really enjoy it. It’s really, really sexy, erotic, intimate etc to go that long. Once it’s in, both of us have said we never want it to end. Someone said above how much they enjoy making and watching their partner orgasm, I can’t agree with that enough. If he sees you’re loving it, he is too. As far as making him cum, it may just take a little time learning each other’s turn ons and bodies. For me it’s more of a mental thing, so good communication will help. Once she figured out what works, it’s kinda like a switch. It still takes longer, but she knows the right buttons to push.

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