What’s your favorite solo activities?

  1. reading, roguelites, listening to an album front to back with nice headphones no distractions

  2. Watching an old movie with good snacks, listening to some good records, a nice long JO session

  3. It’s a dumb cliche but nothing beats a beer, some weed if you are so inclined, and some solo get lost in it type video games. I just finished the 2018 god of war ,(yes I am definitely a patient gamer) and it was so nice to grab a beer and just fuck around for a few hours

  4. Don’t know if it counts as solo, but walking my dog while smoking a bowl is probably on top. I’m actually doing so now.

  5. My boyfriends favourite solo activity is washing his bike.

    It makes my ovaries scream because in the future I want to see our kids washing their bikes with him in the front yard.

  6. Sitting quietly playing video games in the early mornings before anyone else is awake. Working out. Jackin’ it.

  7. I’m not sure there is any activity that I’d prefer doing solo than with someone else.

  8. Almost all my favorite activities are solo activities I realized. The gym, studying, watching Netflix, etc… I really gotta get out more.

  9. Golf. Don’t get me wrong I like playing with the guys and having some beers. But I love going up to my country club (not a ritzy one chill out lol) and just walking and enjoying the quiet.

  10. Fishing is far and away my favorite solo hobby. Granted I don’t have a lot of free time anymore, so that puts me fishing at oddball hours but that adds to the relaxation.

    Drinking a cup of coffee at 5:00AM on Saturday is pretty awesome. Allows for some nice relaxation before the wife and kids are awake.

    Going to the movies alone tomorrow morning, pretty stoked about that.

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