I’m a bit of an introvert and I tend to stick to my friend group. I’ve always been kinda reserved and it’s mostly because I never know what to say in certain situations. I’m so envious of people who can just say whatever naturally and make it interesting and it’s not something I can seem to replicate. This kinda makes me feel super anxious and self conscious when talking to people.

Recently the conversations I have with some of my chatty-er friends have been going stale and ending prematurely because I never know how to respond effectively, and when I feel as though I have gave an adequate response to continue the conversation I’m met with a blunt response in return. This always causes me to overthink as I feel like my own conversational skills has prevented a good conversation from happening because of my inablility to think of what to say. Its like I say the life out of most conversations when I try and speak to people, even of they have the same interests.

On the flip side of the coin I always try and talk to my friends about their interests when they bring it up, but, when I try and talk about stuff that interests me with friends who don’t have those interests its met with a similar blunt response and I feel as though I’m being annoying and bothering them. This leads me to worry about starting conversations even with my closest friends as I’m too occupied with overthinking about everything. It’s like my brain is hard-wired to freeze when I should say something to move forward.

If there’s any tips on how I can over come this issue it’d be really appreciated to drop them in the comments 🙂

1 comment
  1. Overthinking sucks during conversations. Especially when you begin realising you’re going on a tangent and forgot what you wanted to say. I’m still trying to get better at work and I just tell myself its fine if I muck up, because everyone does. If people today can’t accept social anxiety that’s on them. Head up!

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