I’ve been dating a guy for 2 months and we really like eachother.

I’ve met most of his friends and his brother etc but he hasn’t met any of mine.

This is mainly because I spend a lot of time at his house and in his town.

I’ve recently moved from London to Cardiff to set up a new life for myself so I don’t have many friends yet.

The friends I do have are single girls so I can’t even double date etc.

I feel like it’s an unattractive quality and that he wants to meet my friends before potentially going forward with the next step.

But I’d feel weird orchestrating a meet-up with just one girlfriend?

Am I over thinking this?

  1. Yeah I think you’re overthinking – which means you shouldn’t worry or feel bad for “only having one friend”, so to say. If you’re really worried then you can just explain to him what you explained in this post; you’ve only got the one friend so far because you’re starting new.

    But… someone who seems to genuinely like your personality, but leaves you because you don’t have “enough friends” or something like that… probably isn’t worth it? You could have a million perfectly valid reasons for not having ANY friends or even family, that shouldn’t get in the way of a romantic relationship.

    Basically, I think sure go ahead and introduce your friend if he really wants to meet her, and don’t feel bad about it. If he takes issue with it… that’s weird on his part and you shouldn’t be worried. Just move onto the next I think!

  2. It’s totally understandable that you don’t know a lot of people there. He should be fine with it.

    One day maybe take him for a visit to London to meet your old friends?

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