Sooo this is something that has been only mind alot lately, i used to be able to kinda ignore it but its gotten worse over time..
I have always been kinda akward, blurting out things i probably shouldnt only realising i said something stupid when its to late. Most of the time i dont even know i said something most people would think is wrong.

Well i have 3 collegues. 2 of wich i get along with great. We laugh, we talk, and work together just fine. The third one tho..shes always been kinda shy. Gets upset easily by the slightest things. And has a hard time letting go. Meaning if i do or day something she does not like she often stops talking or interacting with me for a few DAYS.

Its difficult for me but i try to be the bigger prson because i inow how she is and i used to be alot like her so i understand it. But seeing how she is with other colleagues while she is is just olain ignoring me and is obviously hating everything i say or do kinda hurts after a while. As soon asi step in the same room her attitude changes. She stoos smiling, does not talkto me, does not even look at me. And i dont know why.

Now you could say why dont you just ask her what the problem is? I did
It just made her angrier for some reason. Saying that just because she is quiet does not mean it has anything to do with me. Last time i tried talking to her about it she ignored me for a WEEK.

I really dont understand it and like i said i try to stay out of her hair but just..give me SOMETHING TO WORK WITH? 😅 Anyone else had this problem before? Any advice?

Ps. English is not my language so sorry for typos 🤷

  1. Well you just cant be liked by all the people. Some personalities just dont click. I know the feeling, I feel like quite a lot of people dislike me and it used to bother me and still bothers to some extent, but I’ve gotten a little bit better at not giving a fuck.

    Just be yourself and do your best and if thats not enough and she dosent like you, try not to feel bad about it.

  2. Yeah, I just stop talking to that person all together lol, I’m too much of a adult to have to play mind games to figure out what’s wrong with someone, if they don’t tell me then I’m not going to think or worry about it because you already have enough problems as it is lol, that’s just me though

  3. Sounds like she may like you, and she hates that she likes you. That does happen from time to time. I’d just avoid her and her weird ass behavior.

  4. If you blurt out things without thinking, and it’s happened more than once, you’ve probably at one point said multiple things that hurt her.

    From her perspective: if someone continually says things that make you uncomfortable, the main responses are A) fight them about it, or B) stay your distance.

    I obviously don’t know what kind of things you’re saying, but it’s likely that it goes against her values and makes her uncomfortable. And then trying to force her to talk with you makes it even worse, because then you’re preventing her from having any kind of reprieve.

    The best thing you can do is accept that not everyone will like you, basically.

    I am curious what kinds of things you’ve blurted out though, that can contextualize the situation a lot.

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