About 2 months ago, my (31M) fiancé (33F) said she wanted to try anal while we were already having sex which I agreed. I asked why she wanted to try anal all of a sudden and she just said that she was feeling wild. I’m not sure why but I had a weird feeling so I decided to search her browser history and found porn, mostly anal. I don’t care if she watches porn and don’t feel insecure about it , I just want to know why she wouldn’t just come out and say it. I tried asking if she wanted to watch porn together on a night when our kids are not home to see how she would respond but she just shut me down. A few days ago I saw that she was watching porn again. I want to ask her about it but not sure how to bring it up since I went through her history behind her back and she’ll be upset and I totally understand. She has never lied to me so I’m wondering why she would hide this.

TLDR; found porn in my fiancés browser history and not sure how to bring it up

  1. Quit invading her privacy. She has a right to have a sexuality completely separate from you.

  2. Because her porn use is strictly between her and the internet. It has literally nothing to do with you and she shouldn’t be expected to share it. Stop looking at her history and violating her privacy and respect that she doesn’t have to tell you about every single thought and want she has.

  3. Maybe she doesn’t want to admit to you that she likes porn because she’s ashamed. A lot of women are, even though it is normal

  4. I’ve told her what type I watch and that for the most part I’m imagining doing the scenes with her

  5. I mean, it’s a yes or no question.

    Does your girlfriend deserve to know that you violated her privacy?

  6. This is your insecurity bro. Be happy that she’s not one of the crazy anti porn activists on here, she doesn’t have to explain/justify this to u

  7. My god these comments are terrible. Whenever I read a guy that watches porn it’s all horrendous but a woman in a relationship watches it and can’t even tell a word to her fiancé and all of a sudden all of you here are defending her.

    So I’ll just tell you, you every right to ask her. It’s your fiancé and it’s something that should be cleared up. I assume since you don’t have a problem you just want some clarity or anything except silence. That seems completely fair. Even if you told her you don’t want her watching porn that seems fair as well. People here defending her as if you’re the bad guy.

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