Usually guys only go for one round and I always feel unsatisfied and wanting more, specially if I’m really into him and super wet. I guess it would be easier to say that if the guy is my boyfriend, but how can I tell a guy that I’m only seeing without making him feel pressured?

  1. don’t tell this , you will destroy him.

    maybe you should tell him what do you like more

  2. DO NOT TELL HIM YOU WANT MORE!!! Just ask him if he would like to go another round. If he says he is not ready, just reply we could start with oral and then maybe you’ll be ready in a little bit. That should be more than enough to get the ball rolling and wont make him feel bad

  3. I would look up Magda Kay on YouTube (for starters, there are others offering women sex positive ideas) she’s educator, therapist, and knowledgeable. Also has a book coming out soon, No More Faking It: A woman’s guide to getting the love, pleasure and fulfillment she deeply desires Kindle Edition.

    Foreplay is a misnomer and is important to pleasure and orgasm. As is being relaxed enough. If you make this playtime to include pleasure that isn’t goal oriented all the better.

  4. Say it and deal with the ensuing conversation. If you don’t ask you are unlikely to get.

  5. It is what it is – I tell my fiance I want more I have a very high libido but if he can’t go again then he can’t. He will usually get me off in other ways though to help fulfill my horniness haha

  6. Keep in mind that not all guys *can* go for more than one round. I never could. But they still have hands and a mouth, so don’t let them off the hook just because they got theirs. Just don’t pressure them for another round of PIV, because that just isn’t possible for a lot of guys.

  7. How about you tell him you want more? It can be really that easy 🙂 if he’s not ready, give him 5 minutes and see what you can motivate

  8. “I can’t get enough, I need more of you,”

    Less of ‘I’m not satisfied,’ and more into the territory of ‘I’m so addicted to it, I don’t want it to end yet,’

  9. Positive reinforcement. I.e. “I’m crazy for you, that was great but I can’t have enough”, “are you also this good with your fingers/tounge?” etc. It’s a lot more fun for everyone than “that wasn’t enough for me, now put in some elbow grease boy”

  10. I literally tell my bf “the sex wasn’t good” and all he replies with is “well I felt good”

  11. “Hey (name) I was really close. You think we can shoot a sequel?”
    My western ego would think “She’s close? Well we cant leave her wanting now can we?”
    So then I would say “Sammy needs a moment, but what do you have in mind?”

  12. I say everytime. If they are interested in you they will be willing to work it out with you, if there not interested in working it out then get rid. I’m my experience less than 10% of guys are willing to put the work in. Luckily got a guy now who makes it his mission most times to get me off, and once we worked it out, it takes no time now, in fact it takes him longer to cum.

  13. That naive to think you shouldn’t pressure them. You wouldn’t say that about planning where you’re going to out to on a date. The two of you would have a back and forth. You would speak up. (Unless he’s a wife beater type.)

    Sex is supposed to be mutually satisfying. If your hookup can’t satisfy you, he can at least try. If he doesn’t care, he should called on it. If he’s oblivious, then he needs to be made aware. If he’s already trying but he’s missing the target, you need to give instructions. Why should a male hookup get off and you not, and you not even speak up?

  14. I could go to 95% of the posts here and say the same exact thing. “JUST TELL HIM!” We don’t read minds, if it really bothers you.. just say something.

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