Single people: what makes you undateable?

  1. I am bad at socializing. I will literally forget talking to people for years but still assume that our relationship is still the same as before we stopped talking.
    Plus i dont have extra spending cash and would rather stay home than go out.

  2. Very busy and as a minimalist that spends my time either living in a small converted school bus or my tiny house off grid most do not find that lifestyle very appealing to them

  3. My choice to remain single 😂 I enjoy my freedom, no drama, peace and quiet. But open to meeting someone who actually improves my life, as I’d want to do the same for them.

  4. Face, personality, lazy, antisocial, don’t like talking, don’t drink, don’t like dancing, broke.

    I’m the type of person women use when they describe the type of man they don’t want to their friends.

  5. Terrible relationships in the past messed me up too much. Rather hang out with my dog and do my thing.

  6. Mentally struggling HARD. I‘m isolating myself because of social anxiety and (suspected) mild depression.

  7. I’ve never really had friends so lack of social skills and just never going out to meet people. I work and have my hobbies that’s pretty much it.

  8. I’m happy enough being single that I’m not going to be interested in getting back into another relationship unless I met someone who was basically perfect and with whom I had 11/10 chemistry.

  9. Nothing makes me undateable. I’m a charming mofo when I put my mind to it.

    But right now, I’ve let a year of weight gain and depression get the better of me. It’s better to wrestle those demons alone, than it is to try dating in a state where I’m not as confident nor in the right headspace. I’ll re-enter the dating scene when I’ve got those two things licked, or I’ve made such progress that my mindset improves. There’s no reason to date when my game isn’t up to my own standards.

  10. Actually – nothing that I can think of. I just don’t have the willpower to date.

  11. The ladies can’t handle the trenchcoat fedora combo. It makes them too moist. They end up leaving a snail trail and it’s embarrassing. Therefore they avoid me.

  12. I have to socialize more. But it’s hard opening up to new people. Also need to finish up getting my license.

  13. Bad genes, got a big ass head.

    Rarely like going out in public. I’m more of a stay at home person.

    I don’t approach people to have a conversation. I wait for the other person to approach me.

  14. I’m 25 with no experience whatsoever. I’m pretty sure I suffer from depression since I tell myself I want to die a lot. I also feel like I’d never take anyone seriously if they showed interest in me due to having people say they like me as a joke and then make fun of me. I’m a mess.

  15. I’m not ready to do ‘my part’ anymore. You can get aboard and ride along with me, but I won’t put in extra effort.

    Being a man, that simply means I don’t date.

  16. I spent the first part of my life being very introverted as such I dont have that many quality friends which has really held me back in a lot of places.

    now its kind of embarrassing anytime a girl asks “when are you going to introduce me to your friends” and I have to explain that I have like 4 friends of which its impossible to get more than 2 of them together cause we’re all in our 30s now.

    Also from not having that many quality friends I feel that I am not well travelled, there are so many common things that I just have not experienced, like traveling with friends to a vacation or to a music festival, being invited to weddings, bachelor party weekends etc, those just aren’t things that happen in my life, and i get embarrassed that a girl will see how boring/antisocial my life is.

  17. Still somewhat freshly out of a 15 year abusive mess of a “relationship”

    I can’t imagine opening up like that again and being vulnerable to a repeat or subjecting someone else to how fd up it has left me

  18. I suppose my mental health issues. I assume that people are not too pleased to be with a depressed, ROCD-oriented individual, they can be quite hard to try to be with. Not saying that nobody wants me but I would rather assume that those conditions are a deal-breaker for people. And I dont blame them at all. If some reason someone is willing to overlook them, then Id be happy.

  19. I’m old. I’m 56, but don’t look it. I’m carrying some extra weight around my mid section that has proven to be very difficult to get rid of. Also, I have a full-time job and work a lot of weekends as a pro musician(people actually pay me money to play music for them) so I’m kinda busy.

    Other than that, nothing I can think of… 😎

  20. I work about 60hrs a week. Not enough free time to date. I work in construction, which is heavily male dominated, so the chances of mee meeting someone through work is close to zero. I am done with dating apps.

  21. I think its a mixture of having no experience + living at home + not really putting myself out there. Even if I would start to try and date, part of me would just say its not going to happen.

    Part of me doesn’t even know what type I would want to try and meet. Its like, I know some qualities I like in a woman but I don’t know where I’d start with types at all. Just feel kinda lost on where to begin and even when I do, its not easy and will take effort from start to finish.

    In some ways, I think I’m leaning towards seeing what happens and just continuing with my career and hobbies.

  22. This question looks like a direct attack on single guys. Being single doesn’t mean we are bad people.

  23. Ugly + antisocial + can’t speak well around women + lonely + don’t go to events + short + ugly x100

  24. Timing. I have an uncanny ability to become interested and ask out women when they are romantically unavailable. Last two were 1. Coworker I’d become interested in. She got arrested for a DUI after she’d been roofied a couple days before I made a move, and she ended up getting jail time. 2. Old acquaintance I ran into at the gym. She’s having an extremely drawn out custody battle with her ex, and he was abusive so it keeps the trauma of whatever happened between them raw so she needs to heal personally before she can move on.

  25. Unapproachable, shy, under developed social skills, niche hobbies. Also past attempts with girls always lead to rejection followed by emotional trauma. It’s not worth the emotional trauma just for them to always reject me.

  26. Healing my guy, I’m looking at everything from my past and actually sitting in it and trying to make amends and work on myself 🙂

  27. The good: I’m funny. Decent at socialising. I’m getting in shape (lost a ton of weight)

    The bad: my social battery runs out quickly. I’m too pessimistic and nihilistic to maintain a convo or stay interested. Mad anxiety. Can barely maintain eye contact. Bad posture. Shy as hell. Also I’m bald, 5″7 so basically a hobbit, south Asian (British born though), not enough muscles. Unconfident.

    I’m sure there’s more you get the idea

  28. My work is 90% men and 10% married women, my hobbies are 99% male oriented (BJJ, chess, and competitive video games), and I am prone to being a homebody when I’m single.

  29. Being disabled, in a wheelchair. In my experience, women say that it doesn’t bother them and they don’t mind… give it a few months and they get tired of helping out with things and not being able to do things that other couples can do

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